Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adv] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 They should aim to enable individuals to use their personal emotional and intellectual resources to modify their attitudes and behaviour and to learn new social skills so as to achieve a stable way of life with diminished or no use of alcohol .
2 The course was lengthened by pushing back some tees so as to comply with the Regulations on Handicapping , resulting in the Club having four recognised S.S. courses : White ( 70 ) , Yellow ( 69 ) , Green ( 68 ) and the L.G.U. Red ( 72 ) .
3 He thought to take Mr gross salary in the present financial year , to reduce it by a third to get from gross to net earnings and to do similar calculations for the rest of the three and a half years so as to arrive at the figure of fifty three thousand nine hundred and six pounds .
4 The commonly-held view that good teachers are ones who can pass on their expertise through clear explanations so as to avoid confusing their pupils has some interesting implications .
5 The framers of the American Constitution also had these objects in mind , but on top of that they had to provide for the desire of the thirteen colonies to be united for some purposes only and to remain independent for others .
6 Because at the moment we have different costing forms on different colours so as to know , to differentiate between post or telephone , face-to-face and so on .
7 Specifically , it will allow chemists , particularly those from developing countries , to carry out short term studies in well-established scientific centres abroad and to learn and use techniques not accessible to them in their own country .
8 Where training is provided by humanities computing or computing science departments , there are pressures to dress it up in formal scientific terms so as to legitimize it in the eyes of the surrounding scientific community .
9 The schoolfellows had been appointed to the Racer together through the efforts of a family friend of the Rogerses , and they serve together for much of their time at sea , occasionally allotted to different ships so as to give the author freedom to range more widely in space and circumstance .
10 for instance , it might be possible to introduce genes coding for specific receptors so as to alter the stomach or intestinal lining and provide treatment for ulcers .
11 It is possible that juries would prefer to convict of murder in such cases so as to register their abhorrence of the defendant 's activities in general .
12 This being so , specific rehabilitation programmes for people with mental disorder frequently use a therapeutic approach which practises and rehearses ordinary activities so as to help people regain confidence in managing the business of life .
13 Rental obligations are to be apportioned between the finance element , which is to be charged to the profit and loss account , and the capital element which is to be applied to reduce the outstanding obligation for future instalments so as to produce a periodic rate of charge which represents a constant proportion of the balance of capital repayments outstanding .
14 Rental obligations are to be apportioned between the finance element , which is to be charged to the profit and loss account , and the capital element which is to be applied to reduce the outstanding obligation for future instalments so as to produce a periodic rate of charge which represents a constant proportion of the balance of capital repayments outstanding .
15 If we accept justice as a political virtue we want our legislators and other officials to distribute material resources and protect civil liberties so as to secure a morally defensible outcome .
16 The ( Moslem ) Democratic Action Party ( SDA ) , led by Izetbegovic , on March 25 called on all citizens to reject the division of the republic along ethnic lines alone and to accept the concept of a unitary state .
17 Then the courts interpret such phrases so as to give themselves more or less control as they wish .
18 For the first time in their history the Tuareg — the largest tribe of Nomads in the Sahara Desert — recently delayed their annual migration for 10 days so as to catch the final episode of Dallas
19 In practice , the vast majority of reported offences of unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl of 16 involve young men of a similar age or a few years older , and the general trend is to administer a formal caution to such persons rather than to prosecute them .
20 He aligned himself with the traditional view that the Scriptures describe unseen things by the form of visible things so as to stimulate reason in cognitive understanding , itself a spiritual reality which is an image of full contemplative knowledge .
21 According to Lao National Radio on that day , the conference would " examine thoroughly the performance of each financial agency and locality ; evaluate correctly the achievements made by the financial sector over the past 15 years ; and assess the current economic and financial situation and remaining problems so as to find effective measures to open the way for socio-economic development with new mechanisms " .
22 ‘ … the main idea is that social phenomena are seen as existing in relation to each other , and continually developing in and through such relations so as to form at various phases contradictory forces that generate qualitatively new formations .
23 However , they have consistently opted to eke out a living by temporary migration and wage labour rather than leaving in such numbers so as to exceed natural population growth , and thereby ease the pressure .
24 Incidentally , the working pattern of these bodyguards , so it transpired over the following days , entailed one or the other of them going up to sleep at unusual hours so as to ensure at least one was on duty throughout the night .
25 The conclusion was that it would be better to destroy the larger animals humanely than to attempt to move them to a safer place .
26 Where one such lift is used the dock and load would be balanced by a suspended weight but two such lifts would generally be arranged to work simultaneously in opposite directions so as to balance each other .
27 According to Richard Prebble , then Minister for State-owned Enterprises , the two companies would reduce their holding in Telecom to 24.95 per cent each over the next three years so as to keep in line with the government 's planned 49.9 per cent limit on foreign ownership of the company .
28 I look to those responsible , including local authorities , to use these resources wisely and to improve the value for money in the services they buy .
29 If , for example , the Gnat 's Water Brewery , which operates three inns in a small country village , wishes to close and sell off one of these inns so as to improve the profitability of its remaining inns , it may insert a restrictive covenant into the conditions of sale of the inn in question , whereby the purchaser of the inn covenants not to use the premises as licensed premises .
30 It seems reasonable to draw these strands together and to presume that considerably more than a thousand teachers are now working in off-site units .
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