Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [vb past] down " in BNC.

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1 Although he captured some knights and burned down the town , he was unable to take the castle .
2 Not every horse handles the tight bends of the Musselburgh circuit so well , and Claire Balding was lucky to get away without serious injury after Dusky Duchess lost her back legs and came down .
3 Elisabeth was hot ; she took off her raincoat , set down the knapsack containing her lunch and some books and sat down on the bench opposite a thicket of hazel , through which a path had been cut .
4 It would review risky areas and lay down appropriate safeguards , ensure compliance with accounting requirements , act as the filing authority and provide advice for trustees , employers and scheme members .
5 The few tracks that led down Steep Ridgery were worn deep into the chalk and clay .
6 As the sun rose into clear skies and burned down on the plain of the Forth , you would say the exposed army opposite would have the worst of it , despite their shields and their awnings .
7 He pulled back the blankets , peeled back the cotton and rubber sheets and struggled down the ladder with them in his arms .
8 An hour later she added the last few remaining sticks and huddled down again .
9 There was an ominous tightness to his mouth , a line of white fury , a threat in the dark eyes that burned down at her .
10 Only the line of grim cages among whose bars whined the winter wind , and above them the great plane trees that bent across the sky , their leafless branches bending in the wind like twisted hands that came down towards him from the angry sky .
11 Needless to say , Liverpool are aiming to better their first round performance in appalling weather when their side was reduced to 10 men and went down 4-2 .
12 The system can activate central alarms or shut down distribution systems in affected areas .
13 Terry sat looking anxious while Ellie carefully unpicked , altered , moved all the tiny buttons that ran down the back , rearranged the small bustle , put little tucks into the bustline to make it fit more snugly .
14 Thus , one of the major criticisms formulated by the social movements of the 1960s , and by radical groups within socialist and labour parties , was directed against ‘ consensus politics ’ which placed a high value upon the existing parliamentary institutions and played down the commitment to radical changes in the social system .
15 Dame Ermengilde tightened her thin little lips and sat down without further ado .
16 As detailed on May 2 , the measures gave the government the technical right to dismiss strikers in these sectors and laid down that strikes in non-essential services had to be approved by an assembly of at least one-third of union members concerned , while in essential services strikes had to be announced 48 hours in advance and a minimum level of service ensured .
17 The only problem occurred a few days after launch , when one of the sun sensors produced occasional false readings and shut down the satellite .
18 Flat roofs are laid with a slight slope so that rainwater can be collected by conventional gutters and led down to the drains .
19 Thomas rose and beckoned Corbett over to one of the arrow-slit windows and pointed down to the winding River Lauder .
20 By experiment and observation , Hahnemann worked out the drug pictures of many remedies and laid down the principles whereby they were to be used — remedies and principles which are still as valid today as they were when Hahnemann first discovered them .
21 He was standing at the edge of the water , looking into the turgid grey-brown eddies that poured down towards Breidden with such force and in so absolute a silence .
22 The strike , organized by unions affiliated to the Sandinista National Liberation Front ( FSLN ) , had halted most public transport , stopped all international flights and shut down telecommunications and the state run banking system .
23 Amiss finished flinging the rest of his belongings into the allocated drawers and lay down on his bed .
24 Mrs Macpherson bit her blue lips with her artificial teeth and looked down her beaky nose at the bland , well-powdered face beside her .
25 Saliva dripped from his parted lips and ran down over his chin , and Taliesin and Fribble both shuddered , for the Lad would savour Fergus ; he was licking his lips and salivating over him .
26 For his part in the crime he was sentenced to ten years and went down with thirteen other accomplices for a total of fifty five years and £675,000 in fines .
27 Current rating legislation is contained in three Acts of Parliament ( the Local Government Finance Act 1988 , the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and the Non-domestic Rating Act 1992 ) and about 100 items of associated secondary regulations that lay down the processes and procedures governing the system .
28 So he staggered about ten yards and fell down with a moan on some pallets .
29 And er I gets him down and I gets him into the stable , and I gets all the clothes off him and he gets into a bag , a bran bag , more bags and lay down and covered himself , and I hung his clothes round the boiler fire .
30 Let's do some of those numbers that went down so well in Sun City !
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