Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , fears that fundholders would encourage referrals to private clinics to avoid a charge on their budgets seem to be unfounded , certainly as far as these aggregate data are concerned , and there was only limited evidence that fundholders were making use of their freedom to contract with private hospitals for outpatient services for NHS patients .
2 In the textile industry a number of technical inventions produced an increase in output ; a way had been found of using coal , in the form of coke , to smelt iron ; and the steam engine was so improved that it provided a new source of power .
3 To begin with the government wants private operators to cast a spider 's web of cable-TV over the country , It is n't obvious that this is the best way to go about it .
4 He said the standard return fare between York and London would rise from £84 to £117.60 as private operators sought a 20pc profit on their investment .
5 But the bearing of children at advanced ages to satisfy a demand for large numbers of them as , for example , in the Africa region is associated both with higher levels of maternal mortality , early childhood mortality and the morbidity of infants and young children .
6 persistent fingers play a virtuoso trill
7 This was the general , and rather bleak , attitude behind his specific attempts to reach a formula for what was in effect a new Christian activism .
8 Comte suggested that a society 's political institutions provide an indication of the stage which has been attained by civilization .
9 The tensions in political priorities and prevailing values find an echo in decisions about the appropriate balance between centralised and localised infra-structure for management development .
10 TWO alert cops made a drug bust — and seized cannabis plants growing at the POLICE STATION .
11 Face of comfort DIANA spent eight hours visiting a hospice for sufferers from cancer yesterday .
12 The need for sleep varies from person to person — some require more than the average eight hours sleep a night be perfectly normal .
13 Hundreds of delegates from around 25 political groups amended a charter presented by the EPRDF , and as a first step towards its implementation elected an 87-member Council of Representatives .
14 The focal point is the Rathaus ( town hall ) , with a fine sixteenth-century tower that dominates the many charming houses in the vicinity , and one of its most striking houses offers a reminder that the Swiss have been at the business of looking after travellers for a long time .
15 According to a Pakistani commentary , Shahi appeared to be suggesting that once the neutrality of the area was ensured by the regional states pursuing a policy of strict non-alignment , the superpowers could perhaps be persuaded to work towards some sort of mutual accommodation .
16 Labour authorities have a tendency to disarm tenants .
17 The increased seating capacity which would be provided by even an extra fifty coaches leaving a town over ten to twenty years , at a time of rapid urban population increase , points to how tiny a fraction of the population ever travelled by stage coach .
18 In the universities , where in the sixties rioting students and the educated tele-celebrities of the ‘ chattering classes ’ had commanded public attention , there were now dormant , apolitical students anxious only for their future employment , and embittered lecturers suffering a crisis of morale and lamenting the bureaucratic invasion of time traditionally left for teaching and research .
19 When a handful of persistent pickets parked a caravan at the Hinkley entrance during the long drawn out miners ' strike , they got precious little support .
20 Both upper and lower chains contain a series of methylated guanines being the length of the modified sequence smaller than the footprint obtained with DNaseI , known already to overestimate the length of the binding sequence .
21 The organisational changes that come with white-collar CCT and its attendant activities create an environment where it is all the more imperative for the traditionally federal style of Town Hall management to look very carefully at how it manages its electronic records .
22 Azerbaijani deputies staged a walkout during a speech by Defence Minister Gen. Dmitry Yazov , and shortly afterwards Armenian deputies followed suit when President Mikhail Gorbachev stressed the inviolability of Azerbaijan 's borders .
23 Some demonstrators attempted to cross the border , prompting the Iranian authorities to issue a protest to the Soviet Union .
24 An appreciation of why governments follow certain types of economic policies requires an understanding of the theories which influence the decisions of the policy-maker .
25 I do emphasise this definition , which relies upon the influence upon the value of money being direct , being exercised upon particular prices ; for of course all economic policies have an effect upon the value of money and thus upon prices , including incomes .
26 If you remember I used the example of agriculture , right , where it is generally observed that agricultural products have a price inelastic demand , okay .
27 We arrived at 9.30 , went through the usual contortions to buy a ticket , and were told to expect a train at 10.30 .
28 The evolution of European policies shows a need for fundamental changes if environmental and energy policies are to become integrated .
29 There was turkey and chicken , lamb and pork ; a variety of fish , sausages , salads , jacket potatoes ; jellies , trifle , cakes and enough sticky buns to satisfy a Billy Bunter .
30 Peaty rankers have an O horizon up to 50 centimetres thick .
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