Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 The main spasm of the Alpine orogeny came in Oligocene and early Miocene times , with the African plate grinding against Europe and the alpine chains spreading out to north and south like an opening fan .
2 This last observation suggests that popular discussions of technological spillovers and ‘ the appropriability problem ’ may have exaggerated the ease with which information generated from a firm 's innovative activities spills over to other firms .
3 Mr. Cousins argues that a farmer with 1,000 acres , of which 50 acres would be set-aside , would hardly notice eight acres given up to non-rotational set-aside .
4 In particular the government forces encountered problems in maintaining control of a town once rebel forces had been defeated ; when armed units moved on to another troubled area , rebels could regain control .
5 As they trace their lazy parabolas back down to earth , these bits twist around slowly , over and over , until they hit the ground with a flop or a flump , splodging out to form round , flattish masses .
6 The place was n't huge by country house standards — two storeys , twenty-something rooms — but its main entrance was a covered carriage porch with stone pillars and broad steps leading up to the doors .
7 Asa braked at the foot of broad steps leading up to the front entrance , walls and towers rising above them .
8 ‘ We 've only got one hour and forty-five minutes to get back to Planet Centram . ’
9 Few mystical treatises get off to a more intriguing start than The Fire of Love , which describes the first time Rolle became aware of a heat in his breast which , he insists , was not imaginary or metaphorical but which could be felt as a finger felt the heat of the flames in which it had been thrust .
10 We want rights of way to be legally defined , definitive maps brought up to date and any conflicts sorted out .
11 There appeared to have been cross-party complicity in dividing up funds from " commissions " taken by party officials ( and in some cases passed on to national party headquarters ) , amounting to 5-10 per cent of the total cost of projects .
12 Both , it can be agreed , showed very high IQ , the latter well into the superior range , averaging around 150 , and in some cases running up to 200 .
13 ‘ I need a few hours to report back to the office , then my time can be my own .
14 So we spend a season trying to adjust — a tough job in particular for the senior players who have spent up to 20 years operating a certain way — and then find it may all change again weeks before the British Lions fly down to New Zealand .
15 I was looking down at her , brown knees drawn up to her chin and the open V of her shirt showing the round of her breasts , even the pinking of the nipple circles .
16 There were some steps going down to the foreshore near a riverside pub .
17 Jean : She 's told some kids to go back to their own country .
18 They had some beliefs and practices that seemed to link with the early days of the Old Testament , possibly due to some earlier Christian influence , believed by some missionaries to trace back to Nestorian missionaries moving through parts of Burma into China .
19 Even the wooden steps leading up to the door were rotten .
20 Thus , on closer inspection , the issue of the ‘ underachievement ’ of black pupils in British schools turns out to be rather complex .
21 I thought again of the Sacrifice Poles ; more deliberately this time , picturing each one in turn , remembering their positions and their components , seeing in my mind what those sightless eyes looked out to , and flicking through each view like a security guard changing cameras on a monitor screen .
22 The kind of farcical spectacle pop has n't provided for a while , it had everything from Radio 1 getting in a tizzy about whether to ban it to TOTP carrying drug warnings , from ageing DJs singing along to the chorus to ageing rockers ( Francis Rossi of Status Quo ) crawling out of the woodwork to condemn it .
23 The U.S. Open Champion is one of seven golfers who earned in excess of $1 million in the 12 months leading up to the World Series of Golf at the end of August .
24 The study , ‘ Made in Britain : the true state of British manufacturing industry ’ , is a joint project by IBM Consulting Group and London Business School to test whether British manufacturers measure up to the best in the world .
25 Do not they also draw attention to the willingness of some countries and some parties to sign up to measures that they have no intention of implementing ?
26 Swell waves running on to a coast break when the forward motion of particles at the wave crest exceeds the forward movement of the wave as a whole , a state of affairs caused by the wave retarding as it runs into shallow water and sometimes over-naively attributed to friction with the sea bottom .
27 At the top of the spiral staircases are two wooden trapdoors leading on to the battlements .
28 The League Against Cruel Sports set up an undercover operation which it says proves that some hunts make up to twenty thousand pounds a year without paying tax.Huntsmen say the League is resorting to desperation tactics .
29 Some models have up to nine power levels , but the most useful ones for thawing , cooking and heating are : High ( 100 per cent ) , medium-high ( 75 per cent ) , medium ( 50 per cent ) and medium-low ( 30 per cent ) .
30 If the strict regulations in most western countries governing the transportation , temporary holding , and eventual killing of farm animals , were more effectively policed , and often inadequately staffed inspectorates brought up to required strength , then mistreatment could be all but abolished .
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