Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 BRITISH Telecom has given another £25,000 to help the innovative Botanic Centre lay down firm roots in Middlesbrough .
2 The fielding of a single candidate chosen from the participating party with the most votes in the 1992 election ( or any other generally acceptable means to achieve the same result ) .
3 The failure of the Prussian and German people to follow the successful example of the French in a revolution from below meant that in 1870 they were forced to accept the unification of Germany by the reactionary Junker powers .
4 Allen stresses that HAH , which takes about 400 patients a year and has received some help from Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts , enables some people to by-pass the local hospital altogether .
5 A six year old boy has become one of the youngest people to win the All British Scrambling Championship .
6 She stressed , however , that " I have no reason to believe that the President 's policy [ of non-intervention ] is going to change " and she denied that President Bush had previously made any policy speech calling on the Iraqi people to overthrow the Iraqi government .
7 ( When Southwark promised £300,000 , matching Derbyshire 's investment , the council insisted on putting in another £5,000 to stay the largest single shareholder . )
8 He then watched to see how long it took another pair to occupy the two kinds of territory .
9 The Civil Aviation Committee met the next day and challenged two parts of the draft agreement that the Americans had inserted : the right of civil aircraft to use the US-leased bases in the Caribbean and Atlantic , and the right of US airlines to ‘ change gauge ’ in Britain , that is , switch to smaller aircraft for flights going on as part of the fifth freedom .
10 The German 20th Corps was still slowly withdrawing in face of the Russian centre on 26 August , when , to prevent further retreat , Ludendorff ordered Francois 's 1st Corps to smash the Russian left wing .
11 He claims he paid the top Tory official £40,000 to secure the prestigious Queens Award for Exports which Levitt is now accused of having obtained by deception .
12 Eighteen months ago the CBI suggested that the HSE take on a number of extra people to monitor the burgeoning biotechnology industry , but this has not been done .
13 There was no cruelty attached to this in their eyes ; it was a simple means to procure the necessary connection with the invisible , supernatural world .
14 The filters were washed two times in 50ml of 0.5 M sodium phosphate , pH 6.8 for 10 min to remove the unincorporated radioactivity .
15 Apprehensive of defeat , he sent one reserve corps to bolster the northern sector , another to the southern sector , while holding those remaining between the two .
16 We used these data to calculate the annual age specific prevalence of HIV-1 infection at initial HIV-1 testing among homosexual men .
17 That will be possible because I made the scheme more flexible , so the FHSAs are allowed to use the funds that would previously have been limited to practice premises and ancillary staff to support the continued development and expansion of computerisation of primary health care .
18 The task was to design wall charts using three species to illustrate the dramatic effect changes in water colour has on the fauna and flora of aquatic environments of ponds and lakes and a river system , to the extent that the presence or absence of particular plants or animals gives a good indication of pollution levels .
19 Since women 's place in the sociology of work is very much a secondary one it follows that we do not have enough empirical data to determine the relative importance to women of their experiences in the occupational sector .
20 H.G. Wells describes how ‘ Spectators would fall a-talking of the fashionableness of bicycling — how judges and stock-brokers and actresses , and , in fact all the best people rode — and how that it was often the fancy of such great folk to shun the big hotels … and seek , incognito , the cosy quaintness of village life . ’
21 The modern social worker 's role is an enabling one , helping elderly people to make the best use of their own inner resources as well as the many social services available , and to retain some independence for as long as possible .
22 The Ellis-Beto-Estelle ( Estelle was Beto 's successor ) era was one in which the primacy of getting good people to do the important jobs was unquestioned .
23 The Pru says that Britain is becoming a nation of spendthrifts with less than £5 in every £100 of disposable income being saved last year -the lowest level for 30 years — and is encouraging people to save the extra cash .
24 What we need to understand is that we are not talking about career , but about serving Christ and finding the most effective means to win the lost .
25 I said I 'll give you six fifty , so I 'll have to try and scrounge the other fifty quid to tax the bloody thing !
26 In 1921 Lord Northcliffe , the founder of the London newspaper the Daily Mail , was due to speak at a dinner for 3000 staff to celebrate the twenty-fifth birthday of the paper , but he had a throat infection , and his doctor advised him not to speak .
27 He was one of the first deaf people to join the British Deaf Association .
28 I have been using it for some years and encourage my junior staff to do the same .
29 For therapeutic and professional staff to reflect the cultural backgrounds of the children , and that for all children , including those with special needs , their day-care environment and activities to express a consciousness of the multicultural society in Islington .
30 While London did not consult the Dominions much on financial matters ( though it made a public ploy of doing so ) it lacked the political will or administrative means to make the rigorous control of dollar imports practised in the UK effective in those countries .
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