Example sentences of "[adj] [am/are] not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 so no determination has been made about as yet and therefore upon that are not included in these calculations .
2 The history of the mammals in the Tertiary involved not only this one major diversification , but several , with major extinctions between , so that the largest mammals of the earlier parts of the Tertiary are not related to the large mammals of the Recent .
3 The remaining 74 are not quoted on any recognised exchange , although many can be traded by members under rule 535(2) .
4 The estimates in Figure 8.2 are not based on observed cratering , which happens far too infrequently , but on the exposure of each planet to the small bodies that can be seen today to move among the terrestrial planets .
5 The perks are specifically designed to encourage people to invest in their local water authority despite the fact that it is patently obvious that some are not going to be as attractive as others .
6 I have coloured the pictures on the graph to help with identification as some are not shown on the knitted samples .
7 In this sentence , the stressed syllables are given numbers : syllables 1 and 2 are not separated by any unstressed syllables , 2 and 3 are separated by one unstressed syllable , 3 and 4 by two and 4 and 5 by three .
8 The Edinburgh Review ( Oct. 1807 ) was openly abusive : ‘ If the printing of such trash as this be not felt as an insult on the public taste , we are afraid it can not be insulted . ’
9 Robert Meister in his book Hypochondria writes : ‘ Those physicians who shrug off a suffering patient because they regard his condition as psychosomatic or hypochondriacal are not acting as professional healers …
10 US-based companies will play a major role for the first time , but the Japanese are not expected to be heavily involved .
11 Further deletions of the promoter up to position +2 are not shown in the figure because no further change in CAT activity was observed .
12 Many of the indicators chosen are suspect , as Macnicol has shown for earlier periods , in that they simply count contact with state agencies , and it is a commonplace observation that the poor are more likely to be in contact with social workers because they are poor ( Becker , 1988 ) ; young drug-takers in inner cities are more visible than wealthy socialites but drug-taking and drinking stretch across social groups ( O'Bryan , 1989 ; Plant , 1989 ) ; desertion of women by husbands and the choice to remain unmarried are not restricted to the poor ; and so on and so on .
13 Your bill will tell you what band you 're in so if you think you 're entitled to any discounts and these are n't shown on your bill , just pick up the phone and call the Action Team they 'll put you through to someone who knows exactly what street you live in and what tax you should pay .
14 These are not calculated on time , but on daily placings .
15 Finally , data for two other groups of animals were obtained although these are not illustrated in the figure .
16 There are a number of tried and tested approaches for making the comparison ( eg general discussion and observation , question generation , model overlay ) , but these are not intended to be exhaustive ; analysts should endeavour to make imaginative use of the ideas generated during the systems thinking stages to examine what is happening in practice .
17 Six such explanations in particular will be discussed ( these are not intended to be exhaustive ) : the exigencies of cohort control , situational constraints , examination pressures , subject-related pedagogies , status and career factors , and teacher isolation .
18 These are not intended to be prescriptive but centres may find them a useful resource in the delivery of the module .
19 These are not intended to be prescriptive but centres might find them a useful resource in the delivery of the modules .
20 One method of reducing surpluses has been for companies to take contributions holidays ( although generally these are not extended to employee contribution holidays ) whereby they do not pay any contributions for a period of time .
21 Despite introducing some dynamic elements into the discussion , these are not treated in a formal way .
22 Give-away and competition programmes : Many items are given away as prizes or at premium prices , and while these are not named by brand an item which Is immediately recognisable can acquire some useful exposure .
23 There are only debates on ministerial statements and these are not followed by a vote : in any case such statements are rare .
24 At the same time , the reasonableness provision under ss14 and 15 of SGSA 1982 , extends to time of performance and price where these are not stipulated in the contract .
25 These are not recognised by the elder as a social error ( something possible at the level of practical consciousness ) nor as having hazardous consequences ( which perhaps requires verbal consciousness ) .
26 In the most traditional houses these are not connected to the electricity supply , and on special occasions can be fitted with candles .
27 These are not regarded as just ideas in the mind , or a figment of the collective imagination , but as true .
28 These are not meant to be comprehensive surveys of the literature , but are simply designed to illustrate the application of rational expectations to specific areas .
29 Monthly departmental trading accounts are prepared by Peter Davenport and Sally Hawes , but these are not issued as a matter of routine , though Davenport discusses any unfavourable trends with the departmental head should the need arise .
30 This table gives the numbers of each moneyer 's coins in each hoard ; an x denotes that these are not known for certain .
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