Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh det] [vb base] in the " in BNC.

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1 It 's silly things like that which get in the way of the actual show , so for the next series , I suggested a couch , low enough for me to put my arm over the back of it , but high enough to stop me sliding off on to the floor .
2 The above provisions are those which apply in the normal case .
3 For a detailed discussion of the restrictions and the reasons , see Appendix C. We shall adopt the term postverbal adjective for those which appear in the structure exemplified by the following sentences : ( 43 ) last year , their best salesman fell ill the Irishman grew pale confidence tricksters seldom look nervous
4 More angular and less fluid in outline than those which feature in the final version of ‘ La Danse ’ , the figures are painted in predominantly grey-blue tones against an unfinished blue background .
5 Among orthodox men of learning the biblical axiom that species are fixed entities established by God at the Creation gradually became qualified by the doctrine of plenitude , the Great Chain of Being , which declared that God , as artist creator , would necessarily have created all possible creatures in all possible worlds , and that the creatures which we now know on earth are but a fraction of those which exist in the universe .
6 Back in 1646 , one of the few articulate defenders of such deluded people maintained that those who would undertake drainage ‘ have always vilified the Fens , and have misinformed many Parliament men , that all the Fens is a mere quagmire … of little or no value : but those which live in the Fens , and are neighbours to it , know the contrary . ’
7 Those which vary in the use of a specific feature must be brought together to show the range of choice possible .
8 Cases of the latter type , where the adjective is used only to aid identification and does not actually apply to the entity of the phrase , closely resemble the great bulk of noun + noun phrases in their structural value , examples such as : ( 11 ) army manoeuvres the piano factory a sea monster an angle bracket However , even among noun + noun phrases , certain specimens occur which are clearly analogous to the former type ; as in : ( 12 ) a doctor journalist ( or doctor-journalist ) Chancellor Kohl a bed-settee These would permit an affirmative answer to our diagnostic test , although normally it is necessary to allow a little leeway in the shape of an added determiner to allow for this requirement of English : ( 13 ) Maurice is a journalist and he is also a doctor 2.3 It would be useful to have names for the two types of adjectival use , and there are fortunately two terms available which fall in the right semantic area and which have not been pre-empted for any other widely accepted technical linguistic purpose .
9 Some wall anchors are corrosion-resistant , and through bolts are available which work in the same way as frame plugs .
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