Example sentences of "[adj] [that] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 During the summer , when Sirius rises heliacally , only twelve of these divisions of the sky can be seen rising during the hours of darkness , and it was this that led to the twelve-hour division of the night .
2 The degree and meaning of prostitution was an important issue in itself ( one estimate would have made prostitution the fourth largest female occupation ) but more important , given the double standard , was the reservoir of venereal disease especially syphilis , that it was perceived as constituting , a threat particularly to the efficiency of the armed services , and it was concern over this that led to the passing of the Contagious Diseases Acts ( in 1864 , 1866 , 1869 ) .
3 It was this that led to the first hints of how the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity might affect each other — a glimpse of the shape of a quantum theory of gravity yet to come .
4 It is this that leads to the dependency culture predominant among deaf people in integrated education .
5 And it 's only in the minority of cases where things go wrong that come to the attention at the Trading Standards Department .
6 Should languages have diverged sufficiently radically in our evolutionary past , and should cerebral organization have adapted constantly to the need of parsing , it is quite possible that counterexamples to the claim of eventual competence might be found .
7 It was very unfortunate that owing to the prevalence of the influenza epidemic many other societies had to do without a representative , as well as a large number of unofficial delegates , much to their disappointment .
8 ‘ I saw him on the television the other night it was his run and cross down the left that led to the Americans ’ first goal against England .
9 ‘ I saw him on the television the other night it was his run and cross down the left that led to the first goal against England .
10 The overemphasis on nuclear weapons and missiles at the expense of conventional forces was seen by many observers , both military and civilian , to have gone too far , too fast , and too soon ; but the political prize of ending National Service had been seized and that was all that mattered to the Macmillan Government in 1957 .
11 When Mr Ramsay died in 1943 the Leaders paid tribute to one who was greatly loved : ‘ Testimony was given to his worth and zeal in the work and all that pertained to the welfare of the church , and particularly to his services in the choir and his love for the weekly prayer meeting . ’
12 Mr Lyske was a man of fine Christian character ; he was interested in all that pertained to the work of God and a regular attender at Christian worship .
13 Lastly , all that Louis IX abandoned in favour of Henry III — his fiefs and domains in Limousin , Quercy , and Périgord ( the so-called ‘ three dioceses ’ ) and all that remained to the Plantagenets of the ancient duchy of Aquitaine — was to be held by the king of England as an hereditary fief .
14 It is sufficient to say that in broad definition the former term applies to the language used up to the twelfth century , and the latter that given to the language between the twelfth and the fifteenth , when Modern English started to emerge .
15 The occasions that stand out in the three decades of our post-imperial era are : Duncan Sandys ' 1957 decision to recommend the end of National Service , which almost halved the Army ; the Kennedy/Macmillan Polaris agreement at Nassau in 1962 that led to the RAF losing responsibility to the Royal Navy for the British nuclear deterrent ; Denis Healey 's scrapping of the TSR2 in 1965 , which threatened to ‘ unhorse ’ the RAF 's knights ; his cancellation of the aircraft-carrier replacement programme in 1966 , which did much the same thing to the Royal Navy ; and John Nott 's attempt in 1981 to maintain the strength of the Rhine Army and RAF Germany at the expense of our maritime capability .
16 And we walked down clubbing right and left , and we cleared the streets and those that fell to the floor were carried off by those who had hidden behind when we went past .
17 Sub-cultures may be important to the marketer because of their effect on the type and brands of products and services demanded by those that adhere to the values of the sub-culture .
18 Peters and Waterman found the excellent companies were those that kept to the business they knew best .
19 Labour 's 1983 election manifesto pledged the party to ‘ take action to abolish the undemocratic House of Lords as quickly as possible and , as an interim measure , introduce a bill in the first session of Parliament to remove its legislative powers — with the exception of those that relate to the life of a parliament ’ .
20 Contrasting binding on the leading edges of curtains ( those that come to the centre ) will give a sharp definition and a smart finish .
21 In the case of processes , the division between those that make up the longue durée and those that belong to the sphere of conjonctures is bound to be rough ; there is no absolute division between a gradual increase in population lasting for a century and a cycle of growth and decline lasting a mere seventy-five years , a fact reflected in the organisation of La Méditerranée .
22 This is often confused with a lot of idealistic nonsense about the inevitability of progress , often coupled with ignorant nonsense about evolution " violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics " ( those that belong to the half of the educated population that , according to the novelist C. P. Snow , know what the Second Law is , will realize that it is no more violated by evolution than it is violated by the growth of a baby ) .
23 The most successful illustrations , on the other hand , are those that play a full part in the story telling , those that add to the text .
24 Plenty of steps , most of them with a rich reward for the climber , such as those that lead to the Lindenhof .
25 Although Le Roy Ladurie 's approach is less haphazard , he too switches back and forth between structural explanations that assume the rationality of individual agents , and those that appeal to the psychology of the unconscious .
26 In these analyses , I have clearly stressed the affiliative , dependent , nurturant , accommodative , non-competitive aspects of Semai society , culture , and character over other aspects , because these seemed particularly relevant as factors in the complex psycho-cultural dynamic that contributes to the Semai abhorrence of overt conflict and violence .
27 While not giving details of the pricing , he said that the price-performance curve on the 80486 is the basis for pricing of the Pentium and that he expected the sort of dynamic that applied to the 80486 to apply to the Pentium as well — the 80486 being introduced at $900 to $1,000 and falling to $200 over a period of four years — at a rate of 30% per year .
28 US senator Larry Pressler said on Dec. 1 that according to the US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) Pakistan had the components to build at least seven nuclear bombs .
29 The error of 1987 that led to the 1990s depression
30 For example can we continue burning fossil fuel and will half of it continue to be absorbed by the ocean or is the ocean reaching saturation such that these equilibrium terms are being reached and future increases in C O two will be reflected in atmospheric build up , and it 's only atmospheric C O two that contributes to the greenhouse effect .
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