Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nurses tell me little has changed with staffing levels .
2 Too little has changed between Arabs and Israelis ( no agreement , despite 1.5 years of talking ) or inside Saudi Arabia ( no parliament , despite frequent promises of a ‘ consultative council ’ ) .
3 A year later little has changed in Turkey .
4 Most of that has gone to Croatia .
5 It 's an economic argument but it 's also about image — and we all know how important that has become in stereotyping countries .
6 That has led to mountains of surplus ACT in companies where UK earnings are not high enough to absorb the ACT .
7 But all that has emerged from Whitehall so far is rumours of interdepartmental conflict over the report .
8 That has set in train a process that could , eventually , lead to sanctions against offending countries ; but that might take years , and tigers , as a species , are short of time .
9 As a result , 900,000 more patients were treated last year than in 1979 , and that has resulted in in-patient waiting lists being 21 per cent .
10 All that has happened in tokamaks has been consistent with the 1970 view , formulated by Lev Artsimovich , that achieving the conditions required for thermonuclear ignition in tokamaks would be only a matter of time and of larger machines and the development of ways of heating the plasma .
11 Indeed there are strong resemblances between them , especially when one looks back on them from the present day and across all that has happened in theology since Ritschl .
12 This chapter uses the first measure to give an outline indication of how big a part credit , overall , plays in consumer spending , and how that has changed over time .
13 They will be doing a project to do with the community and how that has changed over time .
14 COUNTESS : [ to PAMELA ] I come to tell you all that has passed between Mr. Belville and myself that you may not think worse of either of us than we deserve .
15 It may benefit abnormally from transferred votes , as Labour has done in Ireland from 1973 onwards .
16 Anyone who has seen the martins and swallows in September , assembling on the telephone wires , twittering , making short flights singly and in groups over the open , stubbly fields , returning to form longer and even longer lines above the yellowing verges of the lanes — the hundreds of individual birds merging and blending , in a mounting excitement , into swarms , and these swarms coming loosely and untidily together to create a great , unorganized flock , thick at the centre and ragged at the edges , which breaks and re-forms continually like clouds or waves — until that moment when the greater part ( but not all ) of them know that the time has come : they are off and have begun once more that great southward flight which many will not survive ; anyone seeing this has seen at work the current that flows ( among creatures who think of themselves primarily as part of a group and only secondarily , if at all , as individuals ) to fuse them together and impel them into action without conscious thought or will : has seen at work the angel which drove the First Crusade into Antioch and drives the lemmings into the sea .
17 Fixed-price contracts have been normal for production contracts but on occasion this has led to claims that excess profits have been made and in a few cases repayment of the excess has been enforced .
18 This has led to farmers overstocking animals on the land which has had a devastating effect on birdlife .
19 This has led to competition among existing havens to attract a larger share of the market , and to a steady influx of new locations offering investors an attractive environment .
20 This has led to predictions that a large number of new grammar schools may be created .
21 This has led to proposals that the redistributive impact be assessed in terms of lifetime income .
22 This has led to proposals for a move to an EC type approach which we discuss later .
23 The full implication of this approach will be discussed below but in the education system this has led to leadership being confused with technical competence ( the headteacher as leading professional ) or with implementation ( the headteacher as administrator ) .
24 This has led to difficulties in interpretation of the possible sequence of events in the development of enhanced platelet reactivity in diabetics .
25 In the past these systems have generated invoices separately ; this has led to customers receiving invoices from various parts of the company at different times .
26 This has led to feelings of abandonment in older people , and of considerable guilt in younger relatives .
27 This has led to researchers making a distinction between central and peripheral information in a scene and the assumption that arousal will impair memory for peripheral details but improve it for central ones ( see particularly Christianson , in press ) .
28 More often than not , these duties overlap , and , as we shall see later , this has led to problems for both conglomerates and the regulatory authorities .
29 This has led to speculations that life may have originated in the depths of space and that it was brought to the Earth by meteorites .
30 This has led to suggestions that we should consider ‘ full ’ income , which includes the imputed value of leisure income ( Becker , 1965 , and Musgrave , 1976 ) .
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