Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , he should be loved wisely and that involves complete detachment from earthly values ( 112 – 13.138 – 70 ) .
2 The Merchant Shipping ( Oil Pollution ) Act 1971 imposes civil liability upon the owner of a ship carrying a cargo of persistent oil in bulk for escape or discharge of persistent oil from the ship .
3 Removal usual involves inconvenient trips to the hospital , tubes in the stomach , that sort of thing
4 Section 6.1 encourages pro-active handling of home claims in particular to direct a policyholder to tradesman or suppliers with whom we have local or national arrangements .
5 CorVision Version 5.0 produces commercial applications in ANSI C source code and is designed to enable users to build client-server applications using MS-DOS or Windows-based personal computers as clients with a variety of Unix servers .
6 Although s.16 of the SEA 1934 covers certain forms of insider trading , the most important legislative provision is s.10 of the SEA 1934 from which Rule 10b-5 is derived .
7 I think there 's a certain numbness in the world today … that accepts certain kinds of violence , but is against other kinds of violence. ,
8 Each has systematic ways of dealing with apparently awkward cases and there is no hope of specifying neutral conditions for testing one against the other and thus deciding between them .
9 But each has different effects at different ages so the balance is sensitive to changes in age structure ( de Cooman , Ermisch , and Joshi 1987 , 1988 ) .
10 Each has particular duties with regard to preventive work , investigations , monitoring and support .
11 Examples include GST fusions with GCN4 ( 2 ) , a site-specific DNA binding protein , and with the retinoblastoma gene product ( Rb , 3 , 4 ) , that has specific interactions with other proteins .
12 That has considerable implications for the conduct of affairs .
13 There will be three dumping grounds : o A labyrinth of concrete-lined tunnels 300 m below ground will take the majority of the nuclear waste — 67 000 drums — that contains large amounts of plutonium-239 and-240 and americium-241 .
14 The Department of Trade and Industry has promised to examine whether charities may be able to get round this by using a clause , such as s 257 of the Companies Act , that contains special regulations for banks and insurance companies , allowing them different formats .
15 The Series 3000 incorporates automatic calibration of wavelength , transmission and absorbance zeros together with automatic programmes for absorbance ratioing and peak seeking .
16 In the view of the C E C motion three one eight has wide implications for a transport industry as a whole and alternate safety measures need to be examined .
17 Example 75 illustrates various ways of exploiting this kind of harmonic versatility : In ( a ) the accompaniment is in archaic-sounding fourths and fifths , giving a slight feeling of organum .
18 Of course , this problem could be eased by reducing the number of constituencies in Scotland and Wales , but since Labour has overwhelming strength in Wales and majority support in Scotland , the idea of cutting down their representatives in the Commons did not appeal to a Labour Government .
19 But Shadow prisons minister Joan Ruddock said : ‘ Labour has deep reservations about private prisons run on the basis of price . ’
20 This encourages first-time buyers into the market , believing that it is ‘ now or never ’ , and also encourages existing home owners to ‘ trade up ’ to larger accommodation .
21 Of course all this begs important questions about whether chemists have succeeded in duplicating the conditions of the early Earth but , even so , given that we ca n't answer these questions , the argument is worth pursuing .
22 This prohibits local authorities from intentionally promoting homosexuality or publishing material ‘ with the intention of promoting homosexuality ’ , or promoting ‘ the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship ’ .
23 This involves personal ties between those in elite positions in society .
24 This involves adiabatic elimination of the polarisation ( F 00 ) , and replacing x by the " intensity " I , equal to x2 , yielding the system which has only damped oscillatory solutions ( relaxation oscillations ) .
25 This involves combined action by hospital providers , who have fulfilled their contracts with a quarter of the year remaining , and general practitioners , who as a consequence are unable to obtain hospital treatment for their patients , to put pressure on health authorities to increase the resources available to acute services .
26 This involves developing explanations for particular actions or behaviours that have caused problems , expressed in terms that both parties can understand and recognize in more positive and acceptable ways .
27 This involves close connections with operations analysis .
28 As was emphasised earlier " Is it genuine ? " is an important question , but there is a real need for pupils to come into contact with genuine , quality artefacts , that are some of the best examples of their kind , and this involves regular visits to the nearest general museum , to do work in depth on particular groups of genuine old objects .
29 This involves formal recognition by the American Radio Relay League which administers the prestigious DX Century Club awards for contacts with over 320 ‘ recognised ’ countries .
30 This involves careful planning in building up contacts and nurturing them and not taking the first ‘ no ’ for an answer .
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