Example sentences of "[adj] [is] [Wh adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So it 's all part of this , but this training session , this is when the management and the senior associates within your branch give up their own time , to develop your business for you .
2 This is when the hair loss results .
3 This is when the labyrinth is developing and the young babies , which are about 1cm long by this time , are taking their first of air .
4 This is when the rootstock is simply planted into the vineyard in the autumn and , in the following March , the scion is grafted on to those vines which have taken .
5 Modern English may be pensive about their comeback but they 're certainly not paranoid or precious about a few meagre errors , and this is when the fun really starts .
6 This is when the lorry comes round the corner , and immediately you 've got to respond .
7 This is when the pattern-cutting started and Amy produced the first calico toile .
8 This is when the pupil is still coming to terms with using a low vision aid and is not yet skilful in its use , but needs to read text and notes that are too advanced in content to be available in the large print of junior and early reading books .
9 This is when the woman can make the very best of what she has , and what she is .
10 The burial of Jesus had to be completed by 6.00 pm since this is when the Sabbath began and it was forbidden to bury on the Sabbath .
11 On the back label we state that the product should be drunk within one year of purchase as this is when the product will be at its best .
12 I shall concentrate upon deprivation among black people because this is where the government 's policies have been most damaging .
13 This is where the government makes a net issue of bonds to the ( non-bank ) private sector in excess of the total PSBR .
14 This is where the government increases the ratio of bonds to bills .
15 This is where the work of the OMG comes in . ’
16 It was reflected in the expressions used by some members of the RUC ( ‘ OK , let's hit the streets and do it to them before they do it to us ’ , ‘ This is where the law stops and I take over , sucker ’ , the reference to probationary police as ‘ rookies ’ and to bullets as ‘ slugs ’ ) , their dress ( mirror sunglasses , blue jeans , and white T-shirt , sometimes with the Miami-Vice parallel reinforced by the words being printed on the T-shirt ) , and other ephemera ( the engraving of ‘ San Quentin' on the keys to the cells , jumping through the enquiry room window rather than using the door ) .
17 This is where the law comes in .
18 where it says where as the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the darkness outside , this is where the luck we thing the lashing of the teeth will be see , which sons of the kingdom is that referring to ?
19 Looked at from the other side , it should be realized that blandly-flavoured foods reduced the strong and exotic taste of many herbs , and this is where the secret of using herbs in cooking lies — to use herbs in such quantities that the strength of their flavours balances the strength and flavour of the food to which they are added .
20 A common example of this is where the creditor ‘ leaves it to the debtor ’ to get the surety 's signature to the guarantee .
21 As the apostle John was told by the third angel who described the pressure of crises on faith , during his vision recounted in the book of Revelation , ‘ This is where the fortitude of God 's people has its place — in keeping God 's commands and remaining loyal to Jesus . ’
22 This is where the customer samples a batch of newly delivered goods , and either rejects or accepts the batch on the basis of an acceptable quality level , usually a small percentage of rejects per batch .
23 This is where the couple are based .
24 This is where the couple often sit to chat about the day 's events and plan .
25 This is a ‘ leftover ’ from the P3 car from where this type of engine was fitted and this is where the temp gauge sender is sited on vehicles used for stationary running such as fire engines .
26 This is where the case departed from the spirit of Samuel .
27 An example of this is where the transaction relates to shares in a company and the firm is a financial adviser to the company , or the firm is advising someone who is contemplating a substantial acquisition of shares in the company .
28 This is where the concept of social needs gains over that or legal rights , since social services are regarded as social utilities to be used by all individuals and families as necessary ( Smith , 1980 ; Wharf , 1985 ) .
29 This is where the monetarist assumption of an exogenous money supply plays such a vital role .
30 ‘ Look inside , Um Yusef , this is where the perfume was kept and the sandalwood .
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