Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The British used the four ‘ freedoms ’ agreed at the Commonwealth meeting in October 1943 as the basis for discussion , but refused to consider a US proposal for a fifth freedom : the right to pick up passengers , mail , and freight at intermediate stops not in the country of origin of the airline or its ultimate destination .
2 HARRIET Harman yesterday staked a claim for Labour as the party for women whose needs she said had been ignored under 13 years of Conservative rule .
3 They were n't specific about the route for the money .
4 Working for patients has been criticised for failing to emphasise the importance of people and not being more specific about the need for personnel management .
5 it is clear that the machinery of representative parliamentary democracy has so far proved unsuitable as the mechanism for translating personal preferences into day-to-day practice .
6 It was ironic , I thought , that for the expedition for Gareth and Coconut I 'd deliberately chosen to aim for a spot on the map that looked as remote from any road as possible .
7 In 1991 , Mrs Virginia Bottomley , then minister for health , even went so far as to use section 118 as the reason for not being able to give parliament information about the production and distribution of counterfeit medicines .
8 However , where a discriminatory practice has been in operation for some time it may be easier for the Commission for Racial Equality to produce evidence in support of an allegation .
9 In his section on the fees for the diplomas of investiture Hezarfen says that when a kadi was appointed , one month 's allowance was taken as a fee on the basis of his daily allowance as recorded in the defter , or register half as the fee for the imperial cypher and half for the kazasker and his staff .
10 ‘ And Hilary 's taking some off the top for himself … ’
11 Obviously he 'd been doing some kind of a finance deal ; setting up a takeover ; and he 'd lifted some off the top for himself . ’
12 Currently the only group claiming to be a nationwide opposition party was the Association for a Yugoslav Democratic Initiative [ referred to on p. 36470 as the Initiative for a Democratic Yugoslavia ] .
13 Mansfield saw this as the foundation for a
14 Such beliefs are often found in systems of racial stratification where , for example , whites might claim biological superiority over blacks and see this as the basis for their dominance .
15 If some other account on your VAX has the relevant Bytlm and Pgflquo etc. , then you may , if you wish , use this as the UIC for the LIFESPAN Processes .
16 It is expected that the emphasis will be on the 1965 model , though it is hoped that those students who choose this as the topic for more detailed study will learn something or earlier and later development .
17 The hall at Blackpool is ideally suited to rousing speeches but is totally wrong as the setting for a question-and-answer session — which proved to be just as appalling as I had feared .
18 In fact it has been mainly the lesbians in the girls ' work movement who have been developing a determination to make the links between all oppressions , and who have become very clear about the need for that work to be accessible to all young women .
19 ‘ Scottish medieval churches were intended first and foremost as the setting for elaborate sung services , and without some appreciation of the music of those services any mental reconstruction of the church as it once was is incomplete , ’ says Richard Fawcett , Principle Inspector of Ancient Monuments .
20 ‘ But if you were wrong about Simon loving you , so I 'm wrong about the reason for his accident , ’ he said , becoming grave .
21 One as a member of the Gipsy Working Party and another as the spokesman for property .
22 The President set February 1993 as the deadline for the resumption of multiparty talks , either in the context of a restructured CODESA ( Convention for a Democratic South Africa ) [ see pp. 38896-97 ; 39128 ] or a completely new forum .
23 President Ramiz Alia signed a decree on Feb. 11 which dissolved the People 's Assembly and set March 22 as the date for a general election .
24 Strett soon afterwards worked a scissors with Hunter who raced clear of the cover for a try .
25 After a few sessions of steering the model around on the ground in a ‘ zero height hover ’ , you will reach the stage where the power can be increased in short bursts to lift the model clear of the ground for short periods .
26 Airliners were warned to stay clear of the area for the 15-minute service on Kerridge Ridge , overlooking Jeff 's home in Rainow , near Macclesfield , Cheshire .
27 The grants announced yesterday cover about half of the funding for the higher education sector .
28 Federal attention to motor vehicles increased thereafter , with the motor vehicle being repeatedly charged with half of the blame for the nation 's air pollution problems .
29 Although the maximum tax relief an individual can obtain on BES investments in any tax year is limited to £40,000 , investors can claim up to half of the relief for the previous year on investments made before 6 October ( subject to a maximum of £5,000 , assuming that they have not used the full £40,000 in that period ) .
30 Unlike column charts , they have no implicit proportionality between quantity of ink and magnitude of datum , and are therefore free of the requirement for a zero baseline .
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