Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [num] year [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What about the psychologists ’ criticism that atoms and molecules are conceptually unsuitable for nine year olds ?
2 The truth was that for four years Fittipaldi had come close to dominating motor racing in the way Jackie had before him : after two indifferent early years learning his trade , he had been champion twice ( in 1972 and 1974 ) and come second in 1973 and 1975 .
3 The lesson of the casualties and the lack of any real gains even to the victors was made harsher by this realization , that for four years Europe had fought a war which no one had wanted .
4 ONE of the great virtues of the Soviet armed forces was that for 40 years West Europeans and Americans could agree that they were the main threat to NATO .
5 That is not systematic momegliture that has gone like that for ten years universities still use it !
6 Thirty-two social workers participated in the study ; 13 used the schedule designed for 3–4 year olds , and 19 that for 16–18 year olds .
7 It will be even cheaper for two adults and one child , and free for four year olds and under !
8 The relative risk of being seropositive in the British study compared with age peers in our study is infinite for 0–4 year olds , 4.6 for 5–9 year olds , and only 1.1 for subjects aged 10 or over .
9 Joyce retired on April 2 after 14 years service and was delighted not only to receive gifts , including a hi-fi system , but also to be wined and dined on more than one occasion before her departure .
10 What will be different in ten years time ?
11 Travelling by Rail — 2 to 4 years £41 , 4 to 11 years £20 , 12 to 13 years £10 .
12 Charlemagne , a little book which has been written for 12 to 16 year olds ( but suitable for all ages ) would make an ideal present .
13 Travelling by Rail — 2 to 4 years £41 , 4 to 11 years £20 , 12 to 13 years £10 .
14 Even if BAT do pick up the bill , as they have for East Belfast Community Council and the Centre for Neighbourhood Development , they can offer only 2 to 3 years project funding or finance for capital projects .
15 One of the liveliest issues of contemporary education is that of four year olds in school .
16 In his comments ( published with the Report ) Mr Baker agreed that this was appropriate for 7 year olds , but proposed that for 11 year olds greater emphasis should be given to the key skills of reading and writing .
17 Incidents such as five year olds showing ‘ bottoms ’ to each other in the playground or playhouse comer can , unless prompt action is taken , snowball into reports of almost sex orgy proportion rather than remaining in the league of innocent childish curiosity .
18 Quantitative explanatory variables usually need to be reduced to the ordered categorical scale when the outcome variable is not quantitative ; if natural cut-points are not apparent ( such as 5 year age intervals ) , then quantiles can be used .
19 And another for six to twelve year olds , with extra vitamins plus calcium and iron .
20 We have n't that much experience of working with thirteen to fourteen year olds , so we have been collaborating closely with the teachers in devising what could go into each lecture .
21 ‘ The repercussion are likely to be felt in the children 's market , ’ observed Mr Lang , ‘ where ‘ visual literacy ’ alternatives to books are more attractive among the 10 to 12 year olds — your book buyers of the future . ’
22 ‘ In 10 to 15 years time we could have thousands of people suicidally depressed because they took Ecstasy earlier in life .
23 By interviewing a subsample of women from the original study it will be possible to plot the stability of self-esteem over a 7 to 8 year period and its relationship to changing social circumstances .
24 A staggering 17.9% of the total UK population of 7 to 10 year olds are expected to see it — and children are well known to have outstanding recall of cinema advertisements .
25 His research suggested that while the " Explanation approach " had little impact on infants , the technique did yield measurable benefits with 7 to 9 year olds .
26 The GRIST funding represents a timely response to addressing these issues , although a cautionary note has to be sounded — if the curriculum is not considered satisfactory for four years olds in general , what of its relevance for four year olds with special needs ?
27 Where prices were once held constant for five year periods , from 1976 onwards they have been revised annually on the basis of a five-year moving average of world market prices .
28 One sort for three to five year olds — all the right vitamins for healthy growth .
29 In Oxfordshire , for example , nursery classes ( for three to five year olds ) were forced to close , nursery placements being an allowed but not a compulsory provision .
30 Implications of the national curriculum ‘ downwards ’ to four year olds in primary schools ( see ‘ Issues of daily practice ’ above ) as well as a possible consequential ‘ knock-on ’ effect on the education of three to five year olds in nursery schools and classes .
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