Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 The fact that it is impossible to borrow words from one language to another with exactly the same form and meaning means all such systems are a compromise .
2 If it is a possible view that section 8 is intended to put a 16- or 17-year-old in exactly the same position as an adult and there is thus some ambiguity , although I do not think that there is , it is a permissible aid to construction to seek to ascertain the mischief at which the section is directed .
3 That it should need to be exorcised in that fashion , however , or at all , still leaves it looking potent , richly formative and far from innocent , and the fiction that ultimately emerges from it is ex-academic in much the same sense that it is ex-socialist .
4 Or a bird surely has a right to fly , and keeping a bird captive in a small cage that prevents this is immoral in much the same way as is not allowing a person to express himself verbally …
5 Structures akin to those required for dry goods stores are most appropriate without necessarily the same provision for ‘ cleanability ’ .
6 Explain why unc must be less than unity and why the current density must be limited to J. Estimate values for the dimensions h1 , h2 so that each section of the steel core shall be subject to approximately the same maximum flux density .
7 If claims of strict representativeness are made for a telephone survey such as Labov 's in Philadelphia , the method is subject to exactly the same criticisms as those discussed in 2.2 .
8 In his view , it was a great strength of English law that governmental officials were subject to basically the same laws as private citizens to the extent that these covered the activities of government .
9 In such cases someone who says ‘ I know ’ lays himself open to reproach if what he says turns out to be false in much the same way as someone who says ‘ I promise ’ lays himself open to reproach if he does not do what he promised to do .
10 Kretschmer 's end had come in the spring of 1941 at almost the same time as his great rivals Schepke and Prien , when his U.99 was sunk by a destroyer commanded by Captain Donald Macintyre , and he had spent the rest of the war as a prisoner .
11 No doubt I 'll be voting Labour with exactly the same mixture of dutiful resignation and frustration there 's no more incandescent alternative , as he will .
12 The tall man opened the hold and Hitch peered down into it , glancing at dozens of crates all of roughly the same size .
13 It was close enough to use the under-arm style , and the pebbles I 'd selected were all of roughly the same size , so my fire was very accurate : four shots within splashing distance and a fifth which smashed the neck off the bottle .
14 Let's say it applies to postal in exactly the same way .
15 15.39 Pupils working towards levels 8 to 10 should be involved in much the same programmes of work as those for level 7 , but will need increased opportunities , where feasible , for undertaking individual , responsible and formal roles .
16 The so-called applied sciences , such as engineering , agriculture and medicine , are concerned with much the same objects , but from a different stance : they are largely concerned with ‘ doing ’ , although again this does not necessarily preclude ‘ theorizing ’ or ‘ philosophizing ’ .
17 The eighteenth-century novel is concerned with much the same social range as the designs of architects .
18 The nets will catch the occasional hare but these present no problems , becoming entangled in exactly the same manner as rabbits .
19 And she said that erm Gordon , her husband erm he has no sight in one eye due to due to exactly the same thing not patching erm , an eye at the , the right age .
20 In the afternoon we 're on the Palmer charge and believe it or not he hits his tee-shot at the 17th to exactly the same spot again , and turns to me and says , ‘ Before you say anything , Tip , do n't tell me it 's a 6-iron . ’
21 Stevenson commented on this that we disagree in attitude , but not ( necessarily ) in belief , and in any case , for attitudinism , since the two statements express opposite attitudes , they are incompatible in much the same way as that in which statements which express opposite beliefs are .
22 Too many theorists have deluded the public by talking about one sort or another of ‘ Phantom Aesthetic State ’ ; in reality value in literature is explainable in exactly the same terms as value in any other form of human activity .
23 Besides , primaries used for the selection and ranking of persons proposed for inclusion in party lists would be open to much the same objections as were raised earlier in these pages against choice by the electorate at large among candidates who actually figure in those lists .
24 A few of our competitors have decided to launch similar plans to our own at roughly the same time so this causes considerable interest in these products particularly among family finance journalists .
25 What 's more , cock , I expect you to treat your number two in exactly the same way . ’
26 They are , therefore , enforceable in exactly the same way as treaty provisions .
27 As in the earlier case of David II , sent as a child to France in 1334 in exactly the same circumstances , when the English were menacing southern Scotland , the presumption was that she could grow up in safety , until she could return as an adult to rule her kingdom .
28 But extending the notion of the variable to syntax suggests that we can show that syntactic variants are semantically equivalent in much the same way .
29 And as a result of the dilettante attitude you describe men have died : three of my colleagues , two at virtually the same place in Act III of Tristan .
30 Since then blacks have got richer at almost the same rate as whites , but they have not caught up at all .
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