Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course they could read the monthly pack anyway but they do not see this as the same as actually having to insert each change in its correct place .
2 Armed with these and other detailed structural pictures , we may at last be able to get a handle on some of the many and complex eukaryotic transcriptional control mechanisms at the molecular level .
3 In briefing senior managers about appearing on television , for example , attention must be paid to many of the aspects of communication which have been considered in this assignment — the importance of appearance and hair style , the use of non-verbal language , choice of words , tone , pauses and so on : some of the many and complex elements that combine as part of what we call ‘ communication ’ .
4 An excerpt from the list of source node names which shows some of the most and least frequent names
5 An excerpt from the list of target node names which shows some of the most and least frequent names
6 Every time the animal steps down it received a mild electric shock ( yet another of the less than pleasant learning tasks which experimental psychology finds it necessary to employ ) .
7 But at a time when tunes from bourgeois sources were increasingly popular and when traditional , so called ‘ folk ’ tunes were in decline , certainly in the music hall , Corvan used comparatively few of the former and actively retained many of the latter .
8 What the quarto labels ‘ the First SONG ’ runs right through from ‘ Come all ye songsters ’ to ‘ Sing while we trip it ’ Purcell divided this into no fewer than five separate numbers : the countertenor solo ‘ Come all ye songsters ’ ; the trio ‘ May the god of wit inspire ’ — without the chorus repeat specified in the quarto , but duly followed by what it labels ‘ a Composition of Instrumental Musick , in imitation of an Eccho ’ ; a chorus which , instead of repeating ‘ May the god of wit ’ , sets the first line of the second stanza , ‘ Now join your warbling voices all ’ ; and finally a solo , ‘ Sing while we trip it ’ , this time with the specified chorus repeat .
9 Let me put this in a less than shocking way , gotten away from thinking of everything in so-called ethical terms , because it confuses me .
10 The crowd gave a good send-off to the latter when he was substituted so I suppose he did well .
11 In the first half of the seventeenth century the traditional Elizabethan style carried on , unabashed by fashion ; then again there was the purely classical Queen 's House at Greenwich , built by Inigo Jones , as radically different to the former as chalk is to cheese .
12 He was guilty of no more than his usual exaggeration when , at the age of twenty-four , he announced to a friend that he had read ‘ almost every thing ’ .
13 Lukic was guilty of no more than a challenge for a 50–50 ball with the speeding Rob Jones around the 18-yard line .
14 It is available now , but has not had the take up that Windows has enjoyed — one cynical comment has it that of the less than half million copies actually in use , the better part were given away — and yet it is a very capable operating system with some excellent features .
15 The diversity of munition products is exemplified by , on the one hand , the gun and aperture sights for the American Lewis guns , high precision work ( they had to be correct to less than a thousandth part of an inch ) of which 27 , 900 were produced , and on the other hand the unpacking and assembly of the American-manufactured Mercer and Hyster Mobile Cranes , 169 of the former and 207 of the latter being dealt with in addition to 37 Elwell Parker Lift Trucks .
16 I found that for tie problems such as ‘ 1+1 ’ , ‘ 2+2 ’ , response times were very quick and similar for the more and less able children .
17 For the next half-hour Roland worked haphazardly , moving backwards and forwards in the Vico , half-looking for Proserpina , half-reading Ash 's notes , which was not easy , since they were written in various languages , in Ash 's annotating hand , which was reduced to a minute near-printing , not immediately identifiable as the same as his more generous poetic or letter-writing hand .
18 For some time now , the SARA Executive has been seeking input more generally from the rowing population for the updating of its Development Plan , but what might have been a good idea to achieve this seems set for a less than successful conclusion .
19 She had been giddy in the mornings and tired at night ; her breasts felt different , she had been sleeping badly , dreaming dreams , longing all day for Tristram to come and take her in his arms and love her , when instead she had had to be content with no more than a covert glance from him when he came home from Knollys 's yard in the evenings , or a touch of his ankle under the table at supper time .
20 ( 5 ) A justice of the peace before whom a person is brought under subsection ( 4 ) above may … if of the opinion that that person — ( a ) is not likely to surrender to custody , or ( b ) has broken or is likely to break any condition of his bail , remand him in custody or commit him to custody , as the case may require , or alternatively , grant him bail subject to the same or to different conditions , but if not of that opinion shall grant him bail subject to the same conditions ( if any ) as were originally imposed .
21 C. I. Lewis used to claim that basic beliefs were ‘ certain' or ‘ incorrigible ’ ( Lewis , 1952 and 1946 , ch. 7 ) ; it is not always clear whether he thought of these as the same as being infallible or not .
22 I also like it because it does n't offer any false promises of amazing results ; instead , what it has to offer is a reasonably priced , workable upgrade from four tracks to eight with a more than creditable end result ( as long as the guidelines in the manual and certain obvious rules are observed ) .
23 MCI Communications Corp describes a report in the Wall Street Journal that it is talking with several cable television companies about partnerships , with them possibly buying a stake in MCI as no more than rumour .
24 But it may be a lot more useful for the latter than the former .
25 Explosives were found in nearly all of the latter and there had been twenty fires in them between 1 November and 26 December 1921 .
26 Nearly all of the former and two in three of the latter went straight into jobs after they were made redundant .
27 The MP 's report draws heavily on an earlier study by consultants , W. S. Atkins , which said that CHP and district heating schemes would be viable in no fewer than nine cities in Britain .
28 To assist the food and beverage manager run the department , there are between four and six assistant managers who are involved in the many and varied aspects of management — from running a food expediting line in the galley through which 1200 entrées will pass in 30 minutes , to being responsible for a small reception for some VIPs .
29 All categories of royal patronage had increased , especially opportunities arising from monastic estates in the king 's hands — from 70 under Edward I and 219 under Edward II to no fewer than 1282 now .
30 A sculpture entitled ‘ Esposizione Universale ’ by Giulio Paolini , whose work was present on no fewer than eleven stands inside , stood outside the entrance to the Grand Palais .
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