Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lot number twenty twenty is a quantity of stands there we are , we 've got a sample showing for you just a sample showing fifty for the lot the whole lot there for fifty pounds at fifty pounds want them for fifty pounds thank you sir , fifty pounds I 've got , at fifty five going on fifty five , sixty pounds , sixty five coming in sir ?
2 Policy , the report said , was to include ‘ the improvement of the water supplies of the province in order to conserve the pasture , make more grazing available in dry seasons and thus make possible for the tribe a more settled and less migratory life ’ .
3 Mr Kinnock said he was ‘ grateful for the confidence the movement has shown in me ’ .
4 There was something odd about the way the plane was rolling ; one wheel was broken .
5 I 'm sorry about the turning a blind eye I er I er Mr I really do feel that if you are passionate about it the one way to get rid of this debate is to vote for my motion .
6 To cover costs for the first £320 you may either pay us a non-refundable damage/loss excess waiver of £32 per yacht ( £7 each for a Share a Yacht or Pot Luck ) , or lodge ( direct with us , not through a travel agent ) a security deposit of £320 per yacht ( £70 each if sharing ) at the time of making your final payment .
7 I I was also thinking o of Veestol and and er the weapons going on and the mistakes anyway on on the developing a harrier replacement , is the R A F still interested in that as a feature a short take-off vertical take-off ?
8 All got that as a phrase the political subtext .
9 If you have an ordinary video recorder which does not have ‘ backspace ’ or ‘ fine edit ’ , you will probably have noticed , when changing from one recording to the next , that for a while the picture is spoilt by various forms of disturbance that take several seconds to clear .
10 The consequences or implications of that for the way the feminist movement is placed within the struggle in African countries has been very different .
11 If we assume that the monetary authorities set the size of the nominal money supply and that for the moment the price level is fixed at , then the supply of real cash balances can also be illustrated in the figure .
12 And wh y'know we thought about this for a y'know a long time t and what we do want is a thin tier of bureaucracy .
13 After practising this for a while the next stage was to get the wing overhead .
14 Can I remember you that you 're supposed to be working on this for a minimum a minimum of four weeks for about three quarters of an hour a week minimum time !
15 The significance of this for the way the daring and needing are put into relation with the infinitive 's event should be obvious .
16 You put in general points , but specifically pick your point up on item three to do with Homeward Church Stretton , the reports that I read , er , from the visitors like yourself , to go to that children 's home , identify this as an issue every time .
17 Once the client has received his or her compensation , they are often prepared to be quite candid about the way the case was handled .
18 This , I would argue , though not all would agree , may tell us something interesting about the way the brain compartmentalizes different aspects of visual processing and it may tell us that subjects are more conservative about admitting to seeing a very degraded image than about trying to move their eyes to it , but it sheds little light on the actual experiences the patients are having when we show them a light .
19 If the bridge ceased to be economical as a business the owners would have to come to an arrangement with the council
20 ( Judy Thomas points out , however , that if anything were to go wrong during the evening the agency would n't be legally responsible . )
21 Once clear of the Swamp a number of minor paths led off to left and right .
22 At paragraph 12 of the judgment the European Court refers , as it so often does , to the preamble to the directive in question in order to ascertain its purpose .
23 As those visits covered a period of six months , I may have got some of the dialogue a little out of the exact chronological order , but by and large that was the sequence of events .
24 Some of the work the Aborigines have produced is quite beautiful , especially where it has n't been corrupted by commercial interests . ’
25 No we 'll shoot some of the shoot the bastard next door .
26 Live , their better work justifies some of the admiration the group have received in the music press , showing a quality the clinical approach of their record producers managed to suppress .
27 The real benefit of reading Baudelaire himself on the art of his contemporaries is the chance of recovering some of the excitement the poet felt .
28 In fact I think there is overwhelming evidence to show that at least some of the time a ouija board can be a device ( like a crystal ball or a pendulum ) for releasing the forces of the subconscious in an irresponsible way , which can cause untold damage to the human personality . ’
29 Some of the time the Germans at one end of the stadium were hearing the French translation , while their own language was floating with the wind over the top of the stadium and down to Lake Geneva .
30 Because some of the time the candidate has to be some of the other things as well .
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