Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Diana has a duty to bring up her own children and give them as normal a life as possible for as long as possible .
2 ‘ That was believed important , for with the Enchantment useless , we knew that we had to keep the Wolfline alive for as long as we could .
3 The black tarred roof had been ‘ like that for as long as I can remember . ’
4 They 'd fallen asleep , a head on each shoulder and she was determined to leave them like that for as long as she could .
5 There is fat chance of that for as long as the Government allows the banks to carry on with their grasping one-way policy .
6 When you 've lived around men like that for as long as I have , when you 've seen at first hand what they 're capable of , then you can come here and tell me how to handle my affairs .
7 I want you to try and do that for as long as you can , the person 's who 's trying to take them off it you try and take them off that point as long as you can , the other person stick to your guns , okay ?
8 Baffled Lilly , from Anfield , Liverpool , added : ‘ I 've been like this for as long as I can remember .
9 The boys stood this for as long as was decent , and then , after a particularly heavy blow to the head , the brothers grabbed the Bosnian refugee by both feet and up-ended him over the sand .
10 ‘ He was the only one of the Carry On team who was funny off as well as on film .
11 That same prize will elude the British for as long as they yearn for it publicly .
12 That Madam , Gary used to say , she 's been forty for as long as we 've known her .
13 The adulterer is the cause of this in so far as his/her act has allowed a superhuman being to attack the spouse .
14 Territory has a particular kind of significance in all this in so far as these young people are reasserting their lost solidarity and independence through literally ‘ winning space ’ : claiming particular territories to be ‘ theirs ’ .
15 The position is different in so far as it affects the duty solicitor scheme .
16 ( b ) by finding that a domestic statute passed prior to entry is repealed by implication by the European Communities Act 1972 in so far as it fails to accord with our community obligations and thus does not represent the latest intention of Parliament ;
17 In Hilton it represents stages in the journey to God when the soul is no longer engaged with worldly things and as it were asleep to sin ( 24.90r. – 235 ) but is not yet fully illuminated by the knowledge of Christ : The experience of the dark can be either painful or restful : painful in so far as the soul is still troubled by the pressures of the worldly attractions from which it is hiding ; or restful in so far as the soul is waiting untroubled in its longing for Christ .
18 Leave this on as long as possible for maximum results .
19 I just wish the Tories had some fresh ideas , precious few around as far as I can see .
20 I 've been impotent for as long as I can remember .
21 MEN-HUNGRY Californians are flocking to enrol in special aerobics classes set up to beat flabby backsides — after a survey showed that many guys rated a pert behind as highly as a pretty face .
22 The diets are similar in so far as they both exclude a great deal of fat , thereby maximising the reduction of fat from our body .
23 Any tense which includes a component of the present tense such as the passé composé ( il a écrit ) is personal in so far as it acknowledges the present moment of the utterance .
24 The problem is relatively straightforward in so far as trees are concerned .
25 To the Sufi the divine is in all things and manifested to the seer , and it is this divine attribute that he sees and which is transferred to the work of the poet and the mystic ; and that work is authentic in so far as it depicts faithfully the himma or emotional part of the event .
26 Jane Cox was 21 , attractive , single and hardworking in so far as her condition allowed .
27 His hair had been white for as long as Burun could remember , but this was the first time his age had seemed to affect his behaviour .
28 Well you could say that erm our background goes back erm twenty-five years , in fact , we 've had a considerable involvement with industry both local and national for as long as the University has been in existence , which is now nearly twenty-five years .
29 Erm so erm th the cheapest er fuel at the moment is gas , you know , that 's , that 's why er a lot of the erm er er generators are now moving to towards gas er erm er generation er wh which is fine for as long as the gas exists but , you know , another , give it another ten fifteen years , and our North Sea gas will have gone you see so , so erm you have to ask well how much do you , weight do you put on market forces and how much in say , in the energy business , ought you to be thinking longer term ?
30 Even in a perfectly competitive economy — the state of affairs normally regarded as most amenable to neoclassical modes of analysis — the real wage rate will remain unchanged for as long as the level of output remains unchanged ; and output will remain unchanged for as long as the level of desired real expenditure remains unchanged .
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