Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] same way " in BNC.

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1 Make this in the same way as sardine butter , using the same proportions of fish and butter .
2 I make this in the same way as a strawberry or raspberry water ice , except that mulberries need no additional lemon or orange juice .
3 You may find an apparent discrepancy in the parcels , and mark this in the same way , although later deeds may clear it up .
4 would be unwise for us in analysing our 1983 data to treat the unemployed in the same way as in 1972 without at least considering whether this might not seriously distort our results ; more specifically , it would seem important to examine what effect it would have on he 1983 mobility [ results ] if unemployment , or at all events long-term unemployment , were itself regarded as a mobility ‘ status ’ or outcome .
5 It used to be acceptable in the same way as incest .
6 And since one partial theory can be played off against another in the same way that sentences can , we have eventually to hold , with Quine , that ‘ the unit of empirical significance is the whole of science ’ .
7 But it may be additional in the same way as the government argues EEC money to the North is — that is , they argue that they plan their spending in the expectation that they will get the EEC money and would plan differently if they did not expect to get it .
8 Thus in so far as the provisions of the Act of 1987 are ambiguous , guidance can be sought from the Order of 1991 in the same way as guidance can be sought from a later enactment for the construction of an earlier one : Kirkness v. John Hudson & Co . Ltd .
9 The truly heroic character of Lemminkainen in the great Finnish epic Kalevala acts , according to the story , very much in the same way as the heroes of the Anglo-Saxon Beowulf or the French Song of Roland and many other heroic poems .
10 So at the Annual , Annual General Meeting it was conducted i , very much in the same way as before presenting the previous year 's activities but this time , we presented a budget !
11 The anthropologists saw the rural smallholder as the bearer of tradition and wedded to the same way of life as the generations before him .
12 The idea of freedom which lies behind this kind of demand is confused in the same way as the idea of equality which calls for standardisation .
13 She imagined showing her parents round a home of her own decorated in the same way .
14 To maintain that the content of literature is part of a system of signs with a structure of its own , independent of the ‘ real ’ world , is clearly to maintain that it is in theory analyzable in the same way as its language ; but in practice a ready-made set of conceptual tools is simply not available .
15 The ocean currents flow around these in the same way that winds blow around high and low centres of atmospheric pressure .
16 In fact I did these in the same way as the neckband , doing the button band first ; after that it is to mark where the buttonholes are to go , it 's just a matter of arithmetic since the needles are numbered already .
17 Its affinity for the opiate receptor means , however , that it could be addictive in the same way as morphine .
18 A collection of nondescript prints , for example , can be given a sense of unity if each is mounted with the same distinctive colour : camel or chrome yellow or red , whichever fits in best with the room , and then edged all in the same way with a thin strip of wood or chrome or brass .
19 Alternatively , however , you may want to emphasise the point that actual readers are unlikely to respond all in the same way , especially readers differing in gender , class , age , ethnicity or some other aspect of social identity .
20 The images created by photographic and fashion models and by ‘ beauty queens ’ are vulnerable in the same way .
21 It is instrumentally useful in the same way and it is an expression of the same worthwhile attitude of identification with the society .
22 This inevitability is not present in the same way with ironing .
23 If the power is exercised , the proceeds are applicable in the same way as the proceeds of a sale ordered by the court , and the mortgagor will remain liable to pay any deficiency .
24 Would he care to address the fact that because these orders are being taken separately for Wales and England it is not possible to make the quota applicable in the same way in the same parts of the United Kingdom .
25 The method is not statistically valid , but is viable in the same way as quota sampling , in that it may be based on objective proportions .
26 However , it will never make them rich in the same way that potentially having an independent company and taking that to the market would have .
27 It argued that government control should be ‘ strategic guidance ’ and should be exercised as far as possible in the same way for all the industries by the use of economic and financial criteria , and that this should be done by one minister and one department .
28 But we also know that good experiences with objects in the environment also get forgotten and repressed in the same way .
29 References to experts are private in the same way that arbitrations are .
30 The implications were that I had no physical characteristics of my own , but that in the same way as I ‘ had ’ my father 's nose , or my grandmother 's eyes , I somehow inhabited a body which was not mine but a replica of my mother 's , and over which , therefore , I had no control .
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