Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] to have the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nigel had reasoned that , as most washing originated where one divested oneself of one 's dirty clothes and bed linen , i.e. the top floor , it was poor time-and-motion study to have the cleaning apparatus on the ground floor .
2 This type of marking is seen in the contrast of form between the French adjectives in ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) , qualifying a masculine singular noun , and a feminine plural noun , respectively : ( 2 ) j'ai besoin d'un drapeau blanc ( 3 ) ils passèrent deux nuits blanches In English , however , the syntactic realization of this pattern is in a sense the simplest possible : the adjective realizing the P has to be juxtaposed to the noun which is the exponent of E. Ordinary attribution requires this juxtaposition to have the adjective preceding rather than following the noun ( as we shall see in Chapter 3 , there is rather more than one might suspect to be said about postnominal attributive adjectives ) .
3 Now Peter Buckby , head of PE at Byedale School , Marske , is ready to mount another campaign to have the rule changed .
4 For the hon. Gentleman to have the nerve to ask such a question when he was undoubtedly one of those who voted successively for large cuts in our defence expenditure , is mind-boggling .
5 Count Nikolai Tolstoy , who was ordered to pay record libel damages of one and a half million pounds , is fighting in the High court to have the debt cancelled .
6 Scott , of Holt Street , Hartlepool , was the youngest person to have the implant when he was treated at the NRI last October .
7 I have to allow the songwriting people within this operation to have the time and security of mind to get on with their art .
8 Attempts by the World Wide Fund for Nature and the British Herpetological Society to have the development halted in the courts were defeated in December 1990 [ see ED no. 41/42 ] .
9 ‘ He had another operation to have the tendon removed , and he 's recovered from that , too .
10 She 's expecting her second child in three weeks and is determined this time to have the baby at home .
11 She 'd have to use her real name to have the baby , because of the records and things .
12 It is unfair to the citizen , who is entitled in a democratic society to have the rules by which his life is to be regulated properly debated and scrutinized by his elected representatives .
13 While she wanted the little boy to have the benefit of a strong male influence in his life and grow up rounded , she rebelled against the prospect of Vitor 's frequent presence in hers .
14 Because it has little executive power itself , the union faces a long hard road to have the motion adopted .
15 ‘ Oh no , darling , you did n't think you were the first clever little bitch to have the idea ?
16 An attempt by opponents of the party 's anti-abortion platform to have the issue openly debated was defeated , and the candidacy of Bush was endorsed by his main challenger in the primaries , the right-wing journalist Pat Buchanan .
17 ( 6–20 ) , may be seen in the present case to have the sign of
18 No because you do n't have a legal right to have the goods exchanged .
19 I have already set out the dangers of allowing a governmental authority to have the right to sue .
20 The Solid Fuel Advisory Service advises that whilst uncapping and unblocking both ends may be simple d-i-y jobs , most people would be better off asking a qualified sweep to have a look at the flue before any work is started — especially as it is good sense to have the chimney thoroughly swept before any work starts to remove soot or old bird 's nests .
21 Would n't it be a poor thing to have the man close his shop and walk back for a kind of half-hearted snack .
22 It is also a good idea to have the parents help out with various tricks and stunts .
23 If there are two lines then it is a good idea to have the chairs facing inwards so that the teams face each other .
24 Especially because of all the evidence that different species , and different processes within a single organism , use variants of similar molecular mechanisms to carry out specified tasks , those with the good fortune to have the time to think about the data accumulating in the literature would probably reap a rich harvest of understanding .
25 It is their good fortune to have the luxury of comment without the responsibility of action that enables them to appear more in tune with public feeling than the ideologists of either side of the political spectrum .
26 Having seen him safely in hospital , though not in the best of health myself , I called at the poll tax office and waited one and a half hours in a very smoky atmosphere to have the summons withdrawn .
27 This is a good time to have the chimney swept
28 ( 2 ) , he must apply within 12 months of the making of the provisional grant to have the grant affirmed , which application has to be accompanied by a full plan of the premises ( subs .
29 It gives the Zoo enormous pleasure to have the seal of approval of a world-class expert on chimpanzees and really justifies all the effort put into the project .
30 She may have to undergo more surgery to have the implants removed .
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