Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] will [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That is the right way forward for this country , the European Community and the wider Europe which I hope in due course will join the Community .
2 Carl Wood , the chairman of the obstetrics and gynaecology department at Monash University , predicts that the freeze-thaw technique will reduce the number of surgical procedures needed to produce a pregnancy .
3 That provision will cut a person off from all that he or she most values — family and friends .
4 The department will now take charge of the legal battle to recover the Barlow Clowes funds and that money will offset the payouts .
5 I have resigned myself wholly to the will of God — and trust that you and my dear sister will do the same … for He does nothing without a cause .
6 I mean , I know that 's what Glasgow two thousand , we , various people here are er , are hoping that that that smoking will become a thing of the past , do you think , do you think it will ?
7 Each paradigm will regard the world as being made up of different kinds of things .
8 By 1994 the principal is confident that every student on a full-time course will have the chance to visit a foreign country as part of their studies .
9 I can remember one unfortunate teacher , faced with a whole class engaged in this feat , saying with a very red face , ‘ Any girl who makes that noise will have an order mark ! ’
10 For example , if Figure 14 is to be described by an active sentence in the present tense ( e.g. ‘ The boy is hitting the girl with a flower ’ ) the main verb will require an — ing affix , whereas if the planning frame is that of a passive sentence ( e.g. ‘ The girl is being hit by the boy with a flower ’ ) the auxiliary verb will require an — ing affix ( but the main verb will not ) and the preposition by will be needed .
11 Each user will wave the ‘ pen ’ over the bar code at a different speed , and there may well be significant variations each time the same person uses the system .
12 A professional photographer will capture the chain of events , from the bride leaving her home to the cutting of the cake .
13 Again , that reduction will make a call on the resources that I have available to increase our programmes .
14 A model with a clockwise rotor will already have a slight lean to the right and a turn in that direction will require a greater and more noticeable-bank than a turn to the left .
15 Whatever the exact shape of the industry after 1994 , all the big players appear certain that liquid milk will remain a lucrative commodity to be involved in .
16 That change will take a long time , and be accompanied by increasing turbulence .
17 The associated user will receive a mail message when the DC state changes to Agreed ( if all interested users accept the proposal ) or when the DC state changes to Rejected ( if one or more interested users reject the proposal ) .
18 The idea here is that Parliament will set the framework of general rules for society , the executive will govern within those rules and an independent judiciary will resolve disputes over the meaning of those rules and will , in particular , keep the executive within the boundaries of law .
19 And he should make it plain that Parliament will yield no further on the right of the British people to make their own laws , issue their own currency , set their own taxes and elect their own Government , free of foreign domination .
20 Choosing other interest rates and finding the level of income required for equilibrium in each case will yield a series of combinations , all of which will lie along the downward-sloping IS curve shown in graph ( d ) .
21 Choosing other interest rates ( between Oi and Oi l ) and finding the level of income required for equilibrium in each case will yield a series of combinations , all of which lie along the upward-sloping LM curve shown in graph ( d ) .
22 While you relax in Rover comfort , the merest touch of your right foot will release a surge of power from the 140 PS engine .
23 So that each branch will charge the same
24 Our detector in that case will measure the loudness of the signal received at different points of the second screen .
25 Readers consulting a specific category will find a complete list of periodicals dealing with that subject .
26 When new words are encountered , either the GPC route or the analogy route may be used , but given the inconsistencies of English , neither route will ensure the correct pronunciation .
27 I do believe that er we go on into the nineties the European Parliament will play an increasingly important role , but this will be because countries and peoples will be asking for it to play , to control the European Commission in Brussels , to push forward the policies which people are looking for and it is after all , I think we should recall , that it is the Germans now who are calling for strength and institutions , including increased powers for the European Parliament .
28 For the past 10 years we 've been working on synthesising the chemical ; now we 're trying to see if the European Yew will provide the starter material for producing anti-cancer activity .
29 I i in the past our aim with land reform has been very largely erm we want to end feudalism and we want to maximize mobilization we , we 're now saying okay we , we still want to those , but we , we 've also got to ensure that somehow we have a land law which ensures that agriculture will play a role in China 's industrialization and so we will get maximum efficiency from the agricultural sector as well as mobilization , as well as ending feudalism .
30 Neither the military nor the economic elite will allow the other elite to suffer or loose its position in this structure because their roles are complementary .
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