Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] at [art] end " in BNC.

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1 Evan Dando and ‘ special ’ guest vocalist Juliana Hatfield are the college radio Sonny & Cher , the his'n'hers play-off sounding particularly sublime even when confined to just ‘ that bit at the end of the last chorus ’ .
2 Though separate volumes sometimes have their own index , it is more usual to have a complete index at the end of the final volume , and the presence of this can sometimes be a useful guide .
3 We said no , I , I , I 'm doing everything that table says at the moment , so no , but I 'm going to give one to Shirley because she got most of the answer and then she came back with the right bit at the end as well .
4 We said no , oh , I , I , I 'm doing everything that table says at the moment , so no , but I 'm going to give one to Shirley because she got most of the answer and then she came back with the right bit at the end as well .
5 I suppose that the ‘ great bloke ’ who lives next door … the dearest friend … is used to all that … hands you on like a bloody parcel at the end of the evening . ’
6 The whole phenomenon of the Industrial Revolution must be seen as a cumulative process , resulting in an economic take-off at the end of the eighteenth century under the stimulus of the Napoleonic Wars .
7 explain that story at the end , was so fond of dragons that he adorned with drawings and carvings of them but when a real dragon heard of his infatuation
8 Still an inefficient and partly feudal force at the end of the seventeenth century , it had become by the last years of Peter I one of the most powerful in Europe .
9 St Francis 's own mystical experience centred on his understanding of , and identification with , Christ the crucified redeemer ( he received the stigmata in a visionary experience at the end of his life ) , and at the heart of the theology of his followers was a stress on penance as a sacrament through which man can bring his nature into conformity with Christ .
10 He took off the first slice , you know the rather well-done , brown bit at the end , and laid it on one side of the serving dish and then he cut the next slice off for the first lady and so on . ’
11 The mailing will be sent to a small segment in late October , the bulk in early November and to another segment at the end of January .
12 She was standing face to face with a boy in the public park at the end of Decimus Street .
13 Eight games were played — each individual score counting towards the final result with Douglas Reyburn the clear winner at the end of the day .
14 This suggests that , instead of a once-and-for-all decision at the end of the analysis , there may be a process of evaluation that develops with the project , and that decisions and analyses are not undertaken without consideration of prior experience .
15 The Sunderland manager has lived with speculation over his job since signing a one-year contract at the end of last season .
16 The staff from the Abingdon Sorting Office had been due to resume their duties this afternoon at the end of the county-wide dispute , but the workers there refused to go back after part of an agreement with managers was altered .
17 The staff from the Abingdon Sorting Office had been due to resume their duties this afternoon at the end of the county-wide dispute , but the workers refused to go back after part of an agreement with managers was altered .
18 well if you think you might get some money at the end of the season , he said , you may find that you 'll be paying them at the end of the season !
19 Except there is n't another base at the end of it .
20 They will see the demonstration through , and probably make some excuse at the end to delay the purchase decision .
21 The Wakefield section uses the river Calder at first , on the opposite side of the which is Wakefield Old lock at the end of the short Old Wharf branch .
22 A further search at the end of February was also unsuccessful .
23 Erm , to get some feedback at the end of those .
24 But when the socialists proposed a further cut at the end of 1945 , he baulked .
25 However , we should not lose sight of the fact that there is some light at the end of the runnel .
26 For Sarita there is some light at the end of the tunnel , but other Asian girls continue to suffer in darkness .
27 So things are moving better for us which I am sure has provided some light at the end of the tunnel .
28 Off the field he is mild-mannered and dismissive of his achievements — though his verbal attack on an English journalist at the end of the 1989–90 tour was fulminating stuff — while at the same time he is intensely proud of his humble background , is very much a man of his people .
29 People listen quietly , and it is often balanced by a concluding piece at the end of the service during which the congregation remains quietly seated .
30 Angie Guilford will be retiring from this committee at the end of the year and there is an urgent need for ‘ New Blood ’ .
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