Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Reports continued of tacit Iranian support for the Soviet Moslem republics [ see p. 38409 ] .
2 It is clear that in both Australia and New Zealand there is a continuing ferment arising from conflicting support for the old or the new .
3 The fact that several provincial towns reported pope-burnings in November 1714 and 1715 should make us question how extensive support for the Jacobite position was at this time .
4 It is also a very helpful discipline if you are considering applying in due course for a Legal Aid Board franchise .
5 While we 're on the U S , could you say on the oil services er , how much of the er , good performances do you pumps turning round and again what are the prospects of that division for the current year ?
6 NEW ATTEMPTS are underway to revive Wall Street 's most celebrated failed deal — the buyout of United Airlines which collapsed spreading chaos on the stock market two months ago — with little enthusiasm for a revised offer for the company before next year .
7 If the interim payment was specifically assigned to one head of damage ( eg on account of nursing services or the cost of a specially modified bungalow for a quadraplegic ) there is no difficulty , and the note at para 29/11/2 of the 1993 White Book encourages the court to assign the payment to special damages to simplify the calculation of interest at trial .
8 Sixty-two MPs , equally divided between Christians and Muslims , have been in this Saudi resort for the past two weeks examining a ‘ National Reconciliation Charter ’ drafted by Arab League mediators as the basis for a permanent peace .
9 If payments are to be certified the builder 's surveyor may delay the issue of the documentation until the interim certificate for the main contract is received from the architect .
10 I do n't believe it , paid all that money for a digital said look at the about stuff , at the end of the day they , he is five a side football stuff like that , had I 've been thinking about joining again , but I do n't really know what I 'm gon na do after Christmas now even Karen said she would n't mind joining but I tried , I managed to put her off that idea .
11 In March 1986 a BBC monitor report told of demonstrations in Tehran by students and others , ostensibly Gulf Arab nationals , protesting against Kuwaiti and Saudi support for the Iraqi war effort .
12 But he warns that the ideas of civil association and enterprise association can not be understood as complementary characteristics ; they each stand for an independent , self-sustaining mode of association .
13 The total income for the average quarter was £50 , rising to £60 or £70 in 1939 .
14 Do you make distinct sounds for each of the vowels , or do you use pretty well one indeterminate noise for the whole lot ?
15 Masked by the cold war , it has in practice fulfilled that function for a long time .
16 This has yet to receive a name and will depart from Waterloo again about lighting up time , 18.00 ish , heading for Southampton but via Andover , the Laverstock avoiding line and Romsey so that the locomotive is facing the right direction for the homeward journey .
17 In one of their experiments they first find the region of the visual field that causes electrical activity to be recorded through an electrode placed in a particular patch of neocortex , and then they map the receptive field for a single cell , as illustrated for a retinal ganglion cell in Figure 4 .
18 Dr Brice Pitt comments in Making the Most of Middle Age : ‘ So much publicity is now given to the art of making love , what men and women need from each other , and how to please your partner , that there is little excuse for a dull , unimaginative sex life even in the supposedly stolid middle-aged . ’
19 The Official Report will show that I said that the Government should take advice from an official of Barclays Bank because , I said , if Barclays Bank was successful with regional reorganisation , the Government should not resist regional reorganisation for the English regions .
20 Split-half reliability for the expressive scales is reported as being between 0.84 and 0.96 , while for the comprehension scales it varies between 0.60 and 0.96 on Scale A , and between 0.46 and 0.95 on Scale B
21 Welcome back : A stable owner has made an urgent appeal … to find a foster mum for a three-day-old foal .
22 Bolyai University for the Hungarian minority has not been reopened .
23 This would be the only possible course for a strict Benthamite .
24 Most of its 1,033 members have little sympathy for the democratic , capitalist Russia that Boris Yeltsin is trying to create .
25 He has little sympathy for the Arab nationalism that destroyed the Jews of Baghdad and the Christian Assyrians , and he quotes at length from Stephen Bloom 's ‘ almost lyrical ’ account of a Romanian childhood where Germans , Slovaks , Russians , Greeks , Turks , Armenians and Jews provided harmonious diversity .
26 The doctor had little sympathy for the Imperial .
27 His busyness in seeking profitable office suggests little sympathy for the austere ideals of ‘ Thorough ’ : a privy councillor throughout the decade , he had no scruples in gathering a clutch of reversions for his young sons Thomas and Henry ( later first Earl of St Albans , q.v. ) , which inhibited the king 's freedom of appointment in legal , financial , and administrative offices .
28 There was another sound , too , a strange noise for the bright time of noonday .
29 Until the northern route was made the only road link between Applecross and the world outside lay over the notorious Bealach na Ba , a high and difficult pass attaining an elevation of 2000 feet ; a sore trial for a timid car driver .
30 What had been the living style of a whole region , modified to suit all classes of people , became a piece of pleasant antiquarianism for a rich man .
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