Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have [art] long " in BNC.

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1 There is a clear value in reducing the amount of chemical waste which has to be got rid of — and that thinking has a long way to go .
2 Although this technique has a long ancestry in the Old World it was unknown in the Americas until the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century .
3 This journal has a long and distinguished history , publishing mainly shorter papers on a wide spread of subjects .
4 This journal has a long and distinguished history , publishing mainly shorter papers on a wide spread of subjects .
5 This distinction has a long and respectable history .
6 Large and secretive , this wrasse has a long body of up to 45 centimetres .
7 Despite my files tellin me this month has the longest list of genre titles , it is the one with least to offer .
8 What is of particular interest is that direct investment overseas by such enterprises has become increasingly important over the post war years ( as opposed to portfolio investment , of which British capital has a long tradition ) , and that this phenomenon is especially important for the British economy .
9 Nevertheless , this peculiar combination had a long life and was destined to reappear in the Middle Ages as the Albigensian heresy that flourished for a while in southern France but was eventually crushed in the first quarter of the thirteenth century by the northern French at the command of the most powerful of the medieval Popes , Innocent III .
10 This country has a long tradition of accepting genuine political refugees , but there is no doubt that the fact that three quarters of all applications are made by people who have been living in this country for weeks , months and , in some cases , years , is tantamount to an abuse of the system .
11 This plant has a long leaf form which is found in the lowlands where the temperature is substantially high .
12 This region has the longer history of continuous occupation by tundra , for at no time during the post-glacial period was it invaded by forest .
13 Visible light has a longer wavelength than UV radiation .
14 A long-stroke engine has a long con-rod , which acts as a longer lever on the crank .
15 The assertion that law is unsuitable or unable to deal with family and personal behaviour has a long history .
16 Terry used his limited Arabic to have a long conversation with another visitor who suggested that an American would go home soon with the Irishman and then , after a little while , during which our governments were expected to ‘ make the next step ’ , another American with a Briton and so on .
17 In Tanzania , for example , the Dodoma section of the semi-arid central region has a long history of both accelerated soil erosion and attempts at conservation .
18 The tradition of writing ‘ effusions ’ in blank verse had a long history in the eighteenth century , culminating in The Task by William Cowper .
19 Mystical experience as a peculiarly human goal has a long cultural history which bears on the way these writers express themselves .
20 The position with the County Council is that while has no long term debt , it has never satisfied the tests of central government , for the capital control regime .
21 More generally the idea of the inseparability of cultural and political revolution has a long history within the libertarian tradition with its roots in revolutionary Romanticism .
22 That notion had a long history , and had by no means been deserted by post-classical law .
23 The result is that shops use a work-in-process inventory to buffer themselves against problems and uncertainties , a situation where each station has a long queue of semifinished elements .
24 The technique of biomass gasification by partial combustion has a long history .
25 Schemes for arranging Perpetual Peace had a long and depressingly futile history .
26 Bourgeois individualism has a long history of subversive bohemian variants ; and the struggle for control of the elements of counter cultural musical style was a struggle between different aspects of the same principle .
27 It may seem obvious to suggest that the level of understanding about purchasing among general practitioners and primary health care teams is extremely varied , but primary care has a long history of suffering from being physically distanced from other parts of the service and the discussions taking place there .
28 Biological research has a long and distinguished tradition in the University and the excellence of research within the Division is recognised nationally and internationally .
29 So while Glasgow can lay claim to having had the earliest adult deaf organisation , Edinburgh 's Deaf Society has the longest continuous existence .
30 Outside those sectors where temporary working has a long tradition , they have usually vigorously condemned it .
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