Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Pickups are P90s , with a three-way switch and the same basic control layout as the Sunburst 's .
2 This one was in soft light green with a boxy shaped jacket and narrow skirt and the same green-and-white check material of the little sleeveless blouse had been used to line the jacket and face the wide reveres .
3 A perfect oval face , thick , glossy hair and the same bright sparkle in the wide brown eyes that had been so evident in the photograph at Seaview .
4 There will be no charge for this facility and the same payment methods will be available as with a single charge .
5 what is sad to see is that a player like tony dorigo has not yet scored a goal this season and the same for kelly — that is : our wide defenders has not ( yet ) been a threat to the opposite team — which — if i rememeber correctly — did happen a couple of seasons back with both Love-Machine Sterland and Tony getting the occasional goal .
6 You must need some individual point by that committee and the same is true for governments .
7 Individual existence then seems to require some form of hi and the same can be said of our existence as social beings or as members of society .
8 Yeah , and I said erm , and I said that were n't , if that was n't enough I said bearing in mind he 'd just come out of intensive care off a life support machine , I said and which I think that , that tells us that he needs a bit of extra care compared to some of them on the ward , I said I know they 're all important and I know you 're busy but I said I think you should 've had a bit of priority , he was dying , and you know he 's dying , you 'd been told , she said yes that 's right , I said but what really broke my bloody heart was from one o'clock that dinner time he sat in that chair , we left that hospital at half past eight and you assured us he 'd go to bed and when we came in the next morning at half past ten Joy he sat there exactly the bloody same , in the same filthy blanket and the same catheter on him , oh I went fucking mad and I said how dare you , I said because somebody 's told they 're dying does that mean they 've got to be forgot ?
9 It had the same dark hair , the same white skin and the same extraordinarily inviting eyes .
10 The legs have geometric relief-decoration , with in late examples an occasional geometric figure-scene ; and the figurines , whether on tripods or separate ( fig. 3 ) , have the same conceptual itemisation and the same sharp geometric forms as those on the painted pots of Athens .
11 If I stood here the machine would go to that wall and the same that way and then round , in diameter .
12 They did business for a declared total of FFr100 million — only half last year 's already poor performance and the same as that of 1987 , the first year figures were kept .
13 Three-quarters of Scotland 's top companies believe the Government has no effective economic policy and the same proportion believe Mr Lamont should not stay as Chancellor , according to a poll by the accountancy firm Pannell Kerr Forster and BBC TV in Scotland .
14 Nottinghamshire and Middlesex drew at Trent Bridge without a ball being bowled yesterday because of heavy rain and the same fate hit champions Essex and Glamorgan at Chelmsford .
15 The food is ‘ maigre ’ ; cold coffee in the morning , with half a piece of bread , lunch a thin soup of rotten vegetables , the evening meal boiled pasta and the same stinking soup .
16 As far as the police are concerned it 's all one case and the same officer remains in charge , but when it comes to the judiciary it 's a completely unrelated development and a new magistrate has been appointed . ’
17 The character of the Northern Region can not be understood apart from its industrial history and the same holds for the Tyneside conurbation and the two locales which are the subject of this study .
18 The court 's jurisdiction to make joint and several orders against several defendants in respect of the same liability and the same sum was upheld in Schott Kem Ltd v Bentley .
19 An analysis of the contractual relationship produces the same result and the same consequences .
20 He has such great familiarity with the keyboard that when it is hidden for him by a cloth spread over it , he plays on this cloth with the same speed and the same precision .
21 So what , we 'd have to make sure it was exactly the right , the same amount and , in the same flame and the same and see how long it took and whatever took the longest went I du n no whatever ?
22 However , division has a fundamental advantage , which is the reason for its good performance : no two records in any single section into which the key sequence is ‘ cut ’ by division can interfere with any other in the same section , because no two different numbers can have both the same quotient and the same remainder .
23 The area was still packed at weekends , despite a frenetic quality to the enjoyment ; and , it was the same sun and the same lake as it had always been , dotted with the yachts of the rich .
24 The same law and the same rules of construction apply both to clauses in agreements entered into before a dispute has arisen and subsequent agreements to refer entered into after a dispute has arisen .
25 Some committee clerks come to have an important role , especially when they work with the same committee and the same chairman for some time .
26 He was a little over medium height , with the same complexion and the same dark brown eyes and hair of his elder brother Reginald .
27 With the same team and the same way of playing that was n't good enough to hold off Leeds last season .
28 Even if we were to change the linear arrangement , the three words presented in association would serve to indicate the same process and the same roles of the participants :
29 ‘ Friends who want the same place and the same wife , ’ the pretty girl replied .
30 The essential feature of the life which Eliot had constructed for himself is that it contained as few surprises as possible : it has been said that , for over thirty years , he patronized the same tailor , the same tobacconist and the same wine merchant .
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