Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] be [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 They articulate the service conception of the function of authorities , that is , the view that their role and primary normal function is to serve the governed .
2 The combined algorithm was called the Predictor-Corrector Algorithm ( PCA ) .
3 Remembering what had happened to me the last time I entered this unhappy house , remembering too that I was an escaped jailbird , whom most of the Frankenstein menage would not hesitate to give back into custody , I decided that the wisest course was to keep the place under observation and wait until I could be sure to speak to Victor .
4 His first step towards that freedom was to tell the Zoo authorities that he could not work inside any of the cages or buildings or go where animals were confined .
5 Political chaos was having the effect of making Elisabeth and Daniel take stock and order their time on the island particularly efficiently .
6 If that opportunity is denied the search company then they will have significant problems convincing their clients that they can do a good job .
7 The feudal summons had some attractive features from the nobility 's point of view : service without pay by virtue of tenure and according to an oath of homage was considered an honourable obligation ; and whenever a feudal muster was ordered the tenants-in-chief were entitled to levy scutage on their own tenants .
8 They also believe that their greatest responsibility is to support the future of the monarchy .
9 The boat was heavily laden with fish , and a freshening south-wester was sending the ketch surfing down the waves at high speed .
10 At the very time that Parliament was debating the garotters , there had been a public sensation when The Liverpool Mercury exposed an eye-witness account of a brutal navy flogging on HMS Majestic in which it was alleged that the officer-in-charge had taken considerable pleasure from the proceedings .
11 When one comes to look at the judgments in the American Economic Laundry case , it appears clear that the approach which the court was adopting in that case was to regard the tenant against whom a possession order had been made as a statutory tenant who did not have all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts .
12 We would be unlikely to conclude that the function of that component was to inhibit the emission of high-pitched whines .
13 At the same time , the European Parliament is considering the document and expected to finish its work by the beginning of July .
14 Europe 's laudable ambition also to become a gleaming citadel of environmental protection ( for which the European Parliament was calling the other day ) may have the same effect .
15 Technical progress is altering the demand for labour .
16 The combined effect is to benefit the smaller and the more handicapped farms and MacEwen and Sinclair predict an overall HLCA saving of£3.2 million which could go to upland farms in a range of measures , including the payment of HLCAs on the first 10 dairy cows per farm .
17 In the event of an actual total loss being paid the remains or salvage will be the property of the Corporation .
18 From that figure was deducted the amount ( £25 ) of the deposit paid by the original buyer .
19 As suggested in chapter 2 , one of the main aims of the Conservative government 's political programme was to reduce the weight of the state in economic activity , because of its belief in the superiority of market mechanisms .
20 If the Revenue is unwilling to publish an annual list , the only practicable alternative is to base the charge on the cost of the car , since it would be burdensome to expect employers to work out this information for themselves .
21 As each dot is required the respective element is rapidly heated and the minute area of paper under the element changes colour .
22 Thatcherites , and the Prime Minister herself , believe in a meritocracy of talent — and that talent is changing the face of the Conservative Party .
23 Close to a rocky outcrop were discovered the remains of two bronze statues covered in marine concretions a draped figure 170cm high with no base and only half its head preserved and a bust with a badly corroded head .
24 Each practice was given the results of the study for all their participating patients after the study had been completed in that practice .
25 Likewise , the dictator of Asturias 's The President is identified not only with Satan but with Tohil , the Maya Quiché deity who demanded human sacrifice , the effect of that association being to present the Central-American political despot as a modern incarnation of an ancestral tradition .
26 Normal practice is to refer the matters in dispute to an independent accountant .
27 We can say that the problem being defined here is not so much that the pupils are getting the wrong education ( though they might be getting the wrong teachers ) as that industry is getting the wrong pupils !
28 2 If a pre-operative shave is indicated the Patient may require assistance .
29 To land a large , lightly armed force was dodging the realities of amphibious warfare when the difficulty of landing supporting weapons must be faced squarely .
30 Baden Powell in his Scouting for Boys , published in 1908 , suggests that professional football was betraying the British traditions of ‘ fair play ’ and sportsmanship :
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