Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 Marxism 's main flaw is its insistence on economics and the economic category of class as the one fundamental explanatory factor .
2 It would , however , be a great mistake to dismiss the event as an act of folly without any serious consequences , for the proof of the existence of a serious candidate led to the definite rebirth of Bonapartism as a political force in France and it was this movement which was later to carry Louis-Napoleon to power .
3 From C to D there is little change in volume as pressure increases .
4 As pressure measurements obtained from colonic probes 5 cm apart can be very different , some workers have summed the pressure activity from adjacent channels to obtain a value for the colonic segment under study as a whole in an attempt to standardise analysis .
5 There is a hollow boom of surf as if some massive object has just been chucked into the sea .
6 Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of drinking ? 19 .
7 The pops and bangs going off around the Porte de Versailles last week signalled a European industry in panic as the date for free access to the European market by the Japanese gets ever closer .
8 ‘ I wished to appoint someone to this important post who had direct experience of competition as a businessman .
9 I see this change in direction as a development and broadening of the experience of understanding the history of women .
10 Genette speaks of this change in emphasis as a restoration of equilibrium in literary studies : ‘ Literature had long enough been regarded as a message without a code for it to become necessary to regard it for a time as a code without a message ( 1982 : 7 ) .
11 It is hard to imagine another institution of comparable size achieving this kind of ethos as a result of a single administrative decision , however consensual its support .
12 I always use this kind of music as part of the test sequence ; here it had an extraordinary naturalness , a quite seamless integration from bass to soprano , which one immediately recognises as true .
13 As he talks , his actions serve to emphasise his words ; he pounds the table ( researchers Ekman and Friesen described this kind of action as an illustrator ) ; he frowns at you ( an affect display ) ; he lifts an eyebrow indicating he requires an answer to his question ( a regulator ) ; finally , he waves you to the door ( an emblem ) .
14 Despite this , there were significant differences , reflecting the PSOE 's social base of support as a party of the left , and the particular dynamic of the transition to democracy .
15 We calculated the ponderal index at birth as birth weight ( ounces ) /length ( inches ) .
16 The longer they had in order to establish this bit of coast as an aristocratic retreat , the easier it would be to turn it into a fashionable resort when time and money offered .
17 Further , these shifts took place in the context of ( c ) a change in the sexual division of labour as a higher proportion of women took up ( at least part-time ) paid employment : both non-industrial waged employment , and salaried clerical labour are sectors where a substantial majority of employees are women .
18 After a good deal of broad mockery of the group 's thespian pretensions , there follows yet another change of tack as the troupe 's hitherto self-absorbed leader , Genesius ( Louis Hilyer ) , converts to Christianity and is martyred for denouncing the oppressive regime .
19 ‘ Tell me about your acting career , ’ he invited with an abrupt change of topic as if to say the matter of the earrings was forgotten , though she knew it was n't .
20 I thoroughly recommend this course of action as a way of improving your driving and putting your badge where your mouth is .
21 The IBOA fundamentally disagrees with this course of action as the clarification document which resulted from the Labour Court Recommendation 13601 clearly indicates times for opening from 10.00a.m. to 4.00p.m. uninterrupted with one late opening day .
22 For Merleau-Ponty no sublation could resolve Marxism s own division between its theory and the history of its practice , itself , he argued , an acting out of its theoretical equivocation between history as a process of natural necessity and history as the product of human praxis .
23 What in general can not be claimed for him is a specially high level of distinction as a designer .
24 Coupled with a wave of popular sympathy for Gaddafi as a bereaved father , resentment at what was seen as Washington 's bully-boy tactics appeared to have rallied the Libyans behind him with a solidarity he had rarely enjoyed before .
25 Thus no randomised trial with mortality as a pre-specified endpoint has shown a benefit of heparin as sole adjunctive therapy for thrombolysis .
26 In this description of text as information , it is necessary to describe the features which are used in deciding what meanings are being conveyed .
27 True eroded floodplains may be locally present along rivers , but one needs to use this hypothesis with caution as an explanation of major floodplains .
28 In summary , I would argue that there is no clear indication for angioplasty as the primary procedure for acute myocardial infarction , particularly in the light of the mortality results following thrombolytic treatment .
29 The shock waves of the unexpected Sputnik launches , which broke on both shores of the Atlantic , brought disarmament into coequal partnership with deterrence as a primary aim in Western Defence policy .
30 The Lifestyle Network provides a value for money platform from which to launch direct advertising campaigns , and provides the basis for sound investment in marketing as a means of overcoming the economic recession .
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