Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] they [det] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone was so kind and helpful when Copper had his accident , although they all thought I was mad , and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all , especially Cooper 's vet .
2 Woodacon has sponsored the team for the last four years and would like to take this opportunity to wish them all well for the future .
3 It is well acted and well directed by Patrick Dromgoole and if you want three acts of vicious infighting , grisly humour , sadism , transvestism and incest this play contains them all .
4 Teachers felt that this text offered them many opportunities for the development of the understanding of parental roles and it was thought to be a book from which all sorts of related topic work could be derived .
5 In 1907 , however , the Bondholders had a great deal more at risk than in the 1960 's and the 2:1 arrangement gave them some protection and rights over their own investments and the Club 's destiny .
6 But she could n't forget , as the lights twinkled on around the entire hillside , that this man owned them all , every last apartment , every cypress , every swimming-pool and tennis court .
7 Nevertheless the essential social situation remains they same — they are marginal and disposable as workers , they are isolated , even more than women with young children who do n't work , for they do n't have time to meet others in parks and playgrounds , and they have the stress of simultaneously minding children and working .
8 Duck and Frog search for their friends and it takes quite some time to find them all .
9 No ordinary person wants them any more , though they will for years to come provide talking points for the chattering classes .
10 It would take too much space to list them all , but I will just mention one by name and that is Miss Phyllis Ratcliffe .
11 The two acts which Oedipus committed , killing his father and having sexual intercourse with his mother , are forbidden in human societies because there is a strong desire to perform them both .
12 Almost at once the National Anthem summoned them both to their feet , but Mark responded sluggishly .
13 Here , they find the light they need in the spring , but as the sun gets hotter the growth of surrounding vegetation gives them some welcome shade .
14 But Horsley did not seem to see things like that , and he had cheered them up mightily with a little speech congratulating them all and insisting ‘ the team ’ must stay together .
15 In the second-half of the Second Test they recaptured their World Cup form and it will take a very good side to beat them this summer .
16 The sound of heavy boots sliding down he crumbling bank made them all glance up .
17 These three objectives reflect aspects of the production problem and , ideally , the manufacturer would like a feasible solution maximising them all .
18 The thunderous retort deafened them both momentarily .
19 The unexpected news affected them all in some way , but it would have the greatest impact upon Seb 's life .
20 So many Tory politicians have mysteriously ‘ retired ’ over the past 13 years that there must be one massive , undisclosed scandal linking them all , and involving BT shares , Jack Ruby 's death , Marilyn Monroe , and the fleshy globes of a Bermondsey boy scout called Hilda .
21 A cracked shout arrested them both .
22 She giggled with sheer delight to handle them all , so little , so pretty , the cats so catlike , the kangaroos ( with a baby in the mother 's pouch ) so expressive of the basically humorous nature of kangaroos .
23 And , as a fitting tribute to the white heat of technology ( and slaying dragons ) we proudly present a Red-Hot Computer-style Offer to end them all .
24 Take out one loan to cover them all .
25 ‘ The point I was making was that the parity of fear within the Catholic and Protestant communities might help in a perverse way to make them both recognise the importance of living beside each other and for the killings to stop . ’
26 The episode shows , as Whyte says , ‘ not a clash between Church and State but a shifting consensus involving them both , ( 1980:399 ) .
27 Sheer surprise brought them both down , winding them temporarily .
28 Charlie 's office was small and poky and lightless and overcrowded , but the number of possible hiding places was limited and it seemed that she-d tried them all .
29 I loved her and I loved Sam and that bitch killed them both ! ’
30 If you decide to go for a low-voltage set-up , work out how many lights you need and where they will be sited , so you can buy enough cable to connect them all up .
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