Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 A very junior subaltern leaps to attention and says " the colonel 's wife SIR ! "
32 There was little progress reported in Israel 's talks with Syria , Jordan and Lebanon .
33 We moved through the town and up a hilly field covered with vines before we entered a forest where the branches grew close above the path .
34 Also in Indonesia , Agil Riyanto bin Darmowiyoto , a law student , continues to serve a 15-year sentence imposed for subversion in 1987 .
35 The programme designed for schools to examine all aspects of the overt and covert curriculum begins with reflection on Catholic school philosophy and goals .
36 Olsen has therefore concentrated on four periods when the paintings connect most directly with historic events : from 1797 to 1814 when Napoleon 's Empire imposed a kind of unity on the country ; from the restoration of the monarchy until mid century when historic Romanticism came into conflict with Realism and gradually waned as a moving force in Italian art ; the triumph of Realism in parallel with the rapid progress towards unification from 1849 to 1870 ; and the final period from 1870 until the end of the century when Realism evolved under wider European influences into Symbolism and Divisionism .
37 If at any time the whereabouts of a child on the register are not known , it is the custodian 's specific responsibility to set in hand immediate action to try to trace the child .
38 Minor work was carried out inside the church which included the removal of the false chancel arch made out of timber , lath and plaster , and the matchboard ceiling in the chancel , because of extensive damage caused by furniture beetle .
39 That decision found in favour of St. Bartholomew 's and against British Rail , and has thrown some of British Rail 's funding calculations into a degree of confusion .
40 A former Lieutenant-Colonel in the Queen 's Dragoon Guards , Mr. Mates had been tipped as a future defence secretary but his ill-fated decision to campaign for Mr. Heseltine put paid to that .
41 The younger mothers in council housing probably face lower opportunity costs to childbearing but a stronger need to supplement family income with a low-paid part-time job .
42 Taxonomy should be a common descriptive backbone to research in plant sciences , but the way in which it is conventionally presented makes such use difficult for the non-taxonomist .
43 Communications between them and Rough Trade came to a standstill as they prepared to undertake a short Scottish tour , and from this odd situation a strange story came to light .
44 Wimbledon manager Joe Kinnear knows his club must keep producing youngsters like two-goal Neill Ardley to enable him to sell big name men and compensate for the low income produced by attendances like the pathetic 3,386 for this game .
45 She looked a little worn and bleary-eyed , though her long , lion-coloured hair shone like health itself in the brassy sunlight of mid-day .
46 His submission in this regard is that they have now been ‘ read to or by the court , or referred to , in open court ’ within the meaning of R.S.C. , Ord. 24 , r. 14A — introduced with effect from 1 October 1987 following Home Office v. Harman [ 1983 ] 1 A.C. 280 as part of the friendly settlement resulting from Miss Harman 's successful application before the European Commission of Human Rights .
47 Back at cell number 102 in Kirkby New Town , Fred Clasper made a momentous decision to emigrate to Australia .
48 The road leading into the pleasant village of Austwick branches from the A65 and at a fork at the north end of the village a left turn , unsignposted , climbs through a leafy avenue into Crummackdale , reaching open country where it is crossed by an unsurfaced lane coming from Clapham .
49 One is its association with the rather questionable linear model of economic change proposed by Fisher and Clark .
50 The importance of the economic support provided by husbands is neatly illustrated by working class women 's attitudes towards marriage breakdown .
51 The fiddler crabs of North America emerge from their burrows at low tide to scavenge for food .
52 Thus , when in November 1947 a resolution was put to the United Nations General Assembly ( UNGA ) Committee for Political and Security Questions , calling for a reaffirmation of the December 1946 resolution , it failed to secure the two-thirds majority required for adoption .
53 Mr Deng 's dash for rural freedom began in villages like one a few miles outside Chengdu , Sichuan 's capital .
54 As many of you will have seen the Macmillan Nurse Appeal has also been launched as has the Help The Aged Home Security Appeal , and appeals by Oxfam and Guide Dogs for the Blind , so it appears we have made the right decision to delay until January .
55 Between 1960 and 1980 the total acreage devoted to food production in Africa increased from about 70 million hectares to about 100 million , or about 2.5 per cent per year , sufficient to sustain a population increase of about 2.7 per cent .
56 Harriet puts her head on Jen 's shoulder , her long straight strange hair fanning across Jen 's breast as if it were her own hair , and her own short , coppery/gingery hair stops standing on end at the ghost in the wood and begins to flow loose .
57 Set in a ‘ green and silent spot , amid the hills ’ , it was not intended for the Lyrical Ballads , but was a political meditation inspired by fears of a French invasion .
58 Of 10,000,000 workers polled , only 10 per cent said that they would support a strike in protest at the government 's economic policies , although 86 per cent expressed willingness to participate in protest demonstrations .
59 If we are brought up to accept the doctrine of looking after number one , it is not surprising to find the result of that upbringing reflected in society .
60 Two-year full-time course open to holders of a three-year degree in architecture with a good portfolio and a period of practical training .
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