Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The pole jerks the hunters off in the right direction rather like a heavyweight human-diviner .
2 Example 2:1 Parcels clause of office suite ALL THAT suite of rooms on the floor of the building known as ( excluding the outer faces of the walls enclosing the said building and its roof and roof structure but including the structure supporting the floor of the said rooms ) and for the purpose of identification only edged in red on the attached plan Example 2:2 Parcels clause of open land ALL THAT parcel of land in and numbered on the Ordnance Map ( 1968 edition ) for the said district a copy of which is attached hereto ( including the entirety of the hedge and ditch on the western boundary of enclosure number but excluding the entirety of the hedges and ditches on the northern boundaries of the said enclosures and the entirety of the road on the southern boundaries thereof ) Example 2:3 Parcels clause of building excluding airspace ALL THAT building known as shown edged red on the attached plan but excluding the airspace lying above the existing roof of that building together with a right for the tenant with or without workmen to enter that airspace for the sole purpose of inspecting the building or carrying out any works for which the tenant is liable under this lease Example 2:4 Parcels clause with details of boundaries ALL THAT the floor of the building known as ( " the property " ) including ( i ) all non-loadbearing walls situated wholly within the red edging on the attached plan ( ii ) one half ( severed vertically ) of all non-loadbearing walls separating the property from any other part of the building ( iii ) all plaster or other decorative finish applied to any wall bounding the property and not included in paragraphs ( i ) or ( ii ) above or applied to any column or loadbearing wall within the property ( iv ) the whole of all doors door frames windows window frames ( including mastic joints or seals ) bounding the property ( v ) all ceilings bounding the property and any void between any suspended ceiling and the structural slat above ( vi ) all floor finishes and floor screeds including raised floors and floor jacks supporting such floors ( vii ) all light fittings and air conditioning units incorporated in any ceiling but not any other part of the air conditioning system
3 Rosehaugh 's results for 1989/90 revealed a pro-tax loss of £165 million , the largest deficit ever for a UK property enterprise .
4 Arrange the shells on an oiled baking tray , season them and brush each shell lightly with a little oil — use no more than 1 tablespoon in all .
5 Indeed , there is little point in paying out good money from hard-earned income merely for a name .
6 We argued for a more discriminating balance of questions , statements and instructions ; for fewer pseudo-questions and more questions of a kind which encourage children to reason and speculate ; for more opportunities for children themselves to ask their own questions and have these addressed ; for oral feedback to children which without being negative is more exact and informative than mere praise ; for both questioning and feedback to strike a balance between the retrospective function of assessing and responding to what has been learned so far , and the prospective function of taking the child 's learning forward ; and for much more use to be made of structured pupil-pupil interaction both as a learning tool and as a means of helping teachers to function in a more considered manner and therefore more effectively .
7 The suspension of the armed struggle just over a month ago was seen as a break-through , but within days , peace seemed as far away as ever .
8 When auditors give qualified reports , they should refer to all material matters about which they have reservations , giving their reasons in each case together with a quantification of its effect on the financial statements if this is both relevant and practicable .
9 We are not going to push our political advantage home at a moment like this …
10 On the whole this is a matter of the teacher exercising her professional judgement both as a nurse and a teacher , but there are a variety of ideas available to help her in devising objectives .
11 On the other hand , the housewife , engaged in her working day , hears a knock on the door and finds a complete stranger there with a clip-board to which is attached a rather large sheet ( or sheets ) of paper covered with duplicated sentences and ominous boxes .
12 It was completely contrary to Lord Darlington 's natural tendencies to take such public stances as he came to do and I can say with conviction that his lordship was persuaded to overcome his more retiring side only through a deep sense of moral duty .
13 Eliot in his July 1921 ‘ London Letter ’ saw the result of a hot rainless spring simply as a ‘ poor ’ ‘ crop of murders and divorces ’ in a ‘ vacant term ’ .
14 She had hoped , as women do , that living together for a time would break down his coldness .
15 First , that any attempt to implement a Marxist economic programme even on a relatively modest scale in a country which still has a large degree of freedom is doomed to catastrophe .
16 One particular ‘ pair ’ , No. 21 , is a triple cell instead of a double .
17 Ex. 19 , which is highly pianistic , demands great brilliance and strong rhythm together with a complete contrast in the last two bars of the extract .
18 Since there is only one opening the base has a simple podium on each side instead of a series of pedestals .
19 She tried to make her brain tell her , but it lay frozen in her skull like a woolly mammoth deep in a glacier .
20 Nevertheless , it does seem that there is an impulse of curiosity which can correct the chance relations of internal and external stimuli by choice of a painful experience simply as a means to equalize one 's awareness of the light and the dark .
21 In my mind I wo n't rest till I know that I have done something , no matter how small to bring this ban closer to a stop .
22 There was another advantage late on a lunch-time in that there were always a few city slickers who had ventured north by north-west ( of the Barbican ) to try the Hoskin 's or the Holden 's bitter and found it had got the better of them , so needed a taxi back to civilization .
23 By writing this story virtually as a film script and having it turned into a film very soon afterwards , Franco made it clear that Raza also represented what he wanted to be the popular , mass vision of him .
24 And , oh I 'm talking about this bit now in a minute
25 I almost wish I 'd become a cop-car driver instead of a journalist now ; this is such sweet driving .
26 and erm another kitchen instead of a dining room or something and that 's the only difference .
27 This freedom together with a diet of high cereal and whole wheat , and the JS combination of traditional methods of maturation with modern chilling and packaging methods , produce these full flavoured , succulent and tender chickens .
28 While there have been a few studies of women offenders , investiga-tors have generally looked upon the difference between masculine and feminine criminality merely as a reason for eliminating female subjects from their researches on the ground that they provide insufficient material .
29 Singer undertook this study partly as a protest against the lowly status of the Anglo-Jewish preacher , and partly to demonstrate that Anglo-Jewish scholars were capable of securing the rabbinical qualification .
30 You see , you must learn to ask for this guidance within on a daily basis .
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