Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] quite a " in BNC.

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1 I 've been into this look for quite a while now , I know the rules .
2 So there 's a reciprocal relationship with quite a number of schools in this area of a rather novel and to us extremely helpful and rewarding kind .
3 I 'll be viewing the Methodist Church in quite a different way , but I think it 's very important for us to be made aware of how they do it erm for example , if you have erm a a or or and I do n't think any church has , are provided within that and gets alike .
4 I thought about this conversation for quite a while afterwards .
5 We struggled this year with quite a lot of helpers but few with any previous experience .
6 Well we 're involved in actual fact to quite a heavy extent .
7 At this site it 's quite clear they were living in a prtly wooded area in quite a warm environment .
8 Erm yeah , we had a nodding acquaintance with quite a few of them , and I think they they were aware of who we were .
9 We stare at each other for quite a bit — me and this pigeon .
10 Besides , ’ added Penry with cunning strategy , ‘ if you turn me down we sha n't see each other for quite a while .
11 The orchestra is certainly very accomplished and is shown off to good advantage in quite a big bold and well-detailed recording made at St John 's , Smith Square .
12 The new school suffered from a degree of excess capacity for quite a number of years : by 1894 the average attendance was 109 , Miss Harris acting as assistant mistress ; she was shortly replaced by Benjamin 's daughter , Minnie Titford , and they were joined by Miss Maud Reading , the infants ' mistress , as the average attendance rose to a hundred and twenty .
13 Done quite a wee bit and I 've been there at a few of their , quite a few of their meetings and erm a good friend of quite a few of the councils .
14 I 'm 15 years old and I 've been with my current boyfriend for quite a while .
15 I sit on that bench for quite a while — till it starts getting dark .
16 I had given Leslie an antique bloodstone in quite a massive setting , with the motto Spero Meliora engraved on the seal .
17 really a continuous , strongish wind to blow in one direction for quite a few hours .
18 William III , helped by the ‘ Protestant wind ’ that kept the English navy pinned in harbour while William 's Dutch fleet could choose a convenient place to land , was able to carry out a successful invasion with quite a substantial military force , so the events of the 1680s underlined the possibility that James II might be able to make a successful return from exile .
19 And in addition to that , of course , they have copper , and coming up on the future horizon cobalt , and erm the possibilities of developing tourism on quite a big scale , as they were beginning to do in the nineteen sixties before Amin Amin took over .
20 If you can keep your ‘ surplus ’ projects simple and labour-saving — grass-letting or flying flocks of grazing animals for example — you May still find time to concentrate on feeding your family as your first objective on quite a large holding .
21 ‘ I suppose all the sorting out at the flat will take up the spare time for quite a while .
22 ‘ Not another doctor — I 'd had enough of THAT doctor for quite a bit . ’
23 Delegates are still addressed as brother , sister , or comrade , but this year there are electronic signs in the hall giving the speaker 's name — as there have been at the Conservative conference for quite a while .
24 Suddenly I was very aware of the vulnerability of my nose and front teeth , should they happen to come into contact with the granite of Porteniel 's pavements at any velocity above quite a small fraction of a metre per second .
25 I think I 've sat is those auditorium seats in the same format for quite a few years now .
26 ‘ Opinion polls may or may not turn out to be right at a later stage ’ ; ‘ Local authorities exceeded projected expenditure by quite a margin ’ ; ‘ When this campaign started some weeks ago ’ ; ‘ I concede the point , for I have stated it many times in the past . ’
27 The degree structure maintained at Edinburgh allows a student to leave decisions on the subjects to be followed and on the final degree to quite a late stage .
28 Dwarfs and miniatures are becoming increasingly popular as you can grow a large , varied collection in quite a small space .
29 Now on tornado the development costs erm I know , exceeded the original expectation by quite a considerable margin but the production costs were much less and overall , taking the two lots together , it turned out to be a good buy .
30 This is going to be the last party for quite a bit . ’
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