Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The House suggests that Exxon pay $1.2 billion damages together with a $500 million criminal fine and a civil penalty of $700 million , prompt payment of which would allow immediate implementation of environmental restoration projects .
2 You see , my dear , we had a little difficulty over which should adorn the top of the tree , the star of Bethlehem which is of course the only proper thing as well as being the only thing countenanced by the Rector , or an immensely glittering and unsuitable fairy doll someone was so ill-judged as to give to Helen .
3 It is seldom practised with roses now — there is so little advantage over what can be achieved by budding — and is really of superfluous interest to be included here .
4 At this point , planning provided little guidance to what would follow ; the difficulties of extemporizing new manoeuvres were enormous and helped to reinforce the prevailing view that the overriding aim must be an early victory obtained essentially by good initial deployment .
5 He puts great emphasis on the difficulties of prediction , and urges that where there are rules to which people do in fact adhere for the most part , and which help maintain the social stability required for any kind of good to flourish , we are likely to come nearest to doing what is objectively right ( in terms of its actual consequences ) if we also stick to the rules , but that where the rules , however useful they would be if generally obeyed , are widely flouted we should make a direct judgement of what will have the best consequences .
6 For the first time there will be a nationally agreed curriculum which gives clear guidance on what should be included in a health education programme and indicates a progression across the stages .
7 It is unfortunate that the CACs were seen as a political football and they provide an interesting indication of what might possibly happen were all legal services to be funded from local or central government .
8 Perhaps it is too much to hope that the Court of Appeal ( in their forthcoming judgment in the Sutcliffe case ) will give definitive guidance on what should be included in the judge 's summing up in a libel trial .
9 As for the first , it should be remembered that for an Epicurean the worst pain is the groundless fear of what may happen after death , and that excessive unnatural desires are painful too .
10 There is no surviving record that Vial , or indeed anyone concerned , had made a detailed study of what would be needed to establish a College with adequate ensured finance , premises and staff , nor is there any indication that his interest extended beyond the horse , to include other domesticated animals .
11 Shaking our heads in grateful disbelief to the darkness of a deserted car park , the empty witness of which can not prevail against us , whose minds have been imprinted thus .
12 I 've put , put this heater on which might give us a little bit of , a little bit of warmth
13 A single , empty bar into which can be poured almost literally anything you want .
14 An excellent indicator of this is the phenomenal increase in the 1980s in commercial sponsorship of what used to be considered purely cultural events , such as operas , museum exhibits and sports .
15 It was during this period of what used to be called the Dark Ages that the ethnic map of Europe began to assume a character which in the main survives today .
16 If the matter is one the direct outcome of which may be trial of the applicant and his possible punishment for an alleged offence by a court claiming jurisdiction to do so , the matter is criminal .
17 This distinction between what would happen and what might happen is crucial for what follows .
18 I think that for once we need feel no qualms in taking Diodorus as a faithful epitomizer of what must have been a compact and careful section of Posidonius on the slave war in Sicily .
19 There is a clear distinction between what might be termed ‘ lower order ’ needs and ‘ higher order ’ needs and the strength of the model is based upon one level becoming dominant as the subordinate need is satisfied .
20 This section gives a detailed breakdown of what may be required in your daily work .
21 In the case of British Rail , for example , large subsidies have been provided to sustain a degree of social service in what would otherwise be uneconomic provisions .
22 But this revolution in what must be Britain 's most valued public industry , is taking place in the market place .
23 It is a defensible pattern in what might be called ‘ low-theory ’ fields , where people can learn to practise in some way and with some success without any theoretical preparation for what they are doing , although they may have had some relevant training at a lower level .
24 Some pattern of what might be done needed to be worked out , and after a great deal of discussion and searching for funds , we transferred one of the men 's teacher training classes from Kemmendine to a Delta village .
25 And now there was the loud crashing retort of what could only be a pistol shot , joined immediately by the rattling , roaring sound of thunder in the sky .
26 Within this area of what could be called ‘ pure phonology ’ , problems are examined with little or no reference to their relevance to the language learner .
27 She wrote to him quite sharply , not caring who read her letter , that : — it is impossible for me to post a gun as you ought to know you foolish man for what would the post office officials think were I to turn up with a gun to send ?
28 For all his socialist language he was really an old style Tory Radical , despising the ‘ system ’ yet not possessing a clear vision of what would replace it .
29 Only the historic fact that he gave the Irish capital the first public performance of what would become the most popular of all oratorios .
30 The decade closed with the publication in 1959 of the Crowther Report : the work of the Central Advisory Council established by the 1944 Act which endorsed the principle of specialization within the sixth form and related it to a high vision of what should be represented by that most English of institutions .
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