Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] write [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1648 he wrote to the Westminster Assembly , criticizing the Presbyterian system it had devised , but the only result was the suspension of his augmentation at Winchester .
2 Here are three I wrote with the children .
3 While publishing Dawson on ‘ Religion and the Totalitarian State ’ , he selected for notice in the 1934 Criterion a book highlighting persecution of European Jews ; he wrote to Pound speaking of his offence at Pound 's antisemitic remarks ; with regard to the Vichy government in 1941 he wrote in The Christian News-Letter of his ‘ greatest anxiety ’ at news ‘ that ‘ Jews have been given a special status , based on the laws of Nuremberg , which makes their condition little better than that of bondsmen . ’
4 In 1626 he wrote on the need for parliamentary reform , calling for the expulsion of non-resident borough MPs whom he regarded as illegally elected , and also for a major redistribution of seats in the House of Commons .
5 In 1904 he wrote to the poet and critic Arthur Symons : ‘ I have , however , of late years , lapsed so deeply into my early weakness for verse , & have found the condensed expression that it affords so much more consonant to my natural way of thinking & feeling that I have almost forgotten the prose effusions for the time . ’
6 A higher frequency of transient expressive dysphasia was found among those who wrote with the right compared with the left hand .
7 Among left handed writers defects of verbal comprehension were more frequent than among those who wrote with the right hand .
8 There was no difference in ear scores among the latter subjects between those who wrote with the hooked and upright postures .
9 This development is particularly important in the study of those who wrote in the vernacular for laymen who were cut off from the richness of recollected prayer in the practice of the liturgy and in search of modes by which they could realise the substance of their faith .
10 The immediate difficulty with an ideological definition is that it can deflect attention from writers of the working class to those who write about the working class , a tendency which is prominent in Ashraf 's own study .
11 It has been suggested by McCullough ( 1981 ) that one of the problems in viewing old age constructively lies in the model of development customarily used by those who write about the life cycle .
12 Whenever we quote anyone , Labour Members seem anxious to become an even smaller group : they want to disavow even those who write for The Guardian , if what they say does not suit Labour .
13 In 1324 he wrote to the Pope complaining that he was in danger from magic and occult practices , and the Pope replied by advising him to turn to God with a whole and contrite heart .
14 On June 6 he wrote to the Speakers of the Sejm and of the Senate , the upper house , citing his constitutional right to reject legislation , and seeking the reworking of an electoral law in time for October elections .
15 Irony was to the fore when in 1925 he wrote of the Russian Revolution , but behind it was a more important urge leading him to the poem ‘ Le Voyage ’ of his favourite Baudelaire .
16 Her mother was so worried she wrote to The Times asking , ‘ Is it fair for any human being , regardless of circumstances , to be treated in this way ? ’
17 In 1778 he wrote about the buildings in Ambleside ‘ … with their projecting porch 's connecting galleries , beautifully formed chimneys and bold irregularities . ’
18 She is a mother of two who writes for the official Football Association magazine 90 Minutes .
19 In 797 he wrote to the people of Kent lamenting that scarcely any ruler was now to be found of the old stock of kings .
20 On February 19 we wrote of the chap round Carmel Road way who 'd installed security lighting after two burglaries further up the street .
21 Thus in April 1988 he wrote in the New Statesman , ‘ Underpinning our social policy are those traditions — the diffusion of power , civil obligation , and voluntary service — which are central to Conservative philosophy …
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