Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [vb mod] for the " in BNC.

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1 I had discovered all I could for the moment .
2 He failed to do all he could for the Jews and socialised with the Nazis too easily for the Poles ' liking .
3 He thought he had got all he could for the time being .
4 He says in the autobiography erm my view was that every president was a and this was a famous phrase every president was a steward of the people , a steward of the people , bound actively and affirmatively to do all he could for the people and not to content himself with the negative merit of keeping his talents undamaged in a napkin curious turn of phrase I decline he says to adopt the view that what is imperatively necessary for the nation can not be done unless the president can find some specific authorization to do it in the constitution .
5 So , doing the best you can for the welfare of your cat can have severe adverse effects on the welfare of wild animals .
6 ‘ Then I suggest we do the best we can for the next several hours .
7 The pragmatist thinks judges should always do the best they can for the future , in the circumstances , unchecked by any need to respect or secure consistency in principle with what other officials have done or will do .
8 I can not understand my conception of the world in terms of , or reduce it to , some account of my dispositions , as it seems plausible one might for the rat 's ( or any third person 's ) conception of the world and its dispositions .
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