Example sentences of "[adj] [art] [noun] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The bad news is that the posting to Estudiantes de la Plata .
2 When Airfix went bust in 1980 the rights to Filetab for the PDP-11 were sold to filetab Support Services .
3 The man who , in 1789 , borrowed £100 to start in business as a master-manufacturer was 64 years old when in 1825 the Stockton to Darlington line ushered in the age of the railway .
4 THE WORLD 'S highest auction price for a work of art , the £30.2m paid for Van Gogh 's Irises , was achieved after the auctioneers , Sotheby 's , had advanced half the money to Alan Bond , the Australian entrepreneur , it was revealed yesterday .
5 Would Desmond Seymour-Strachey have honoured any agreement his mother had come to with Hilda , would he have considered himself obliged to pay half the royalties to Rose ?
6 On May 30 the Aid to Bangladesh Consortium ( a grouping of countries and multilateral agencies under the auspices of the World Bank ) announced that it was increasing longer-term assistance to Bangladesh by allocating US$2,300 million for the 12 months running to June 1992 .
7 Miles , who has already conceded half a point to Ian Rogers , had a lucky escape when he was held to a draw by the New Zealand champion Martin Dreyer .
8 The clerk listened with half an ear to Ranulf 's chatter about the banquet and the Prince 's open display of affection for Gaveston .
9 Athelstan , now listening with half an ear to Sir John 's recitation , looked out of the window and wondered what had happened to Benedicta and Lady Maude .
10 He published in 1697 an answer to Spinoza 's Tractus Theologico Politicus , entitled Deism Examin 'd and Confuted .
11 But Doyle himself realised just how real the threat to Hendry was the day a large parcel arrived at his Stirling offices .
12 They can hardly have come as such a surprise to Daum .
13 He was talking rather too much , he knew , but her appearance in the dress of silver lame — like some kind of armour remembered from childhood play-acting it looked to his inexperienced eyes — was quite startling and such a contrast to Ianthe 's sober blue wool dress .
14 Her infectious enthusiasm was such a contrast to James 's indifference , Christina wondered what they could have in common .
15 ‘ Aye , if you want to , lad , ’ Pat said , his calmness such a contrast to John 's excitement that Anne began to laugh .
16 The news was such a shock to Mark that he dropped his celebratory drink .
17 Privately , Marjorie Richardson had decided in favour of the menopause as the culprit , but not for the world would she say such a thing to Harry .
18 ‘ Nor would you have said such a thing to Doreen , ’ she lashed at him , feeling even more irritated .
19 Chinese Charlie had altered the lot to fit him , and he had pressed it , too , and it had made such a difference to Ben .
20 Heller & Partners provided such a report to Hedley Byrne 's bankers , who passed it on to their customer .
21 In in not supporting the application of such a policy to Ryedale district , I 'm not by any means saying that the district council would never support erm such elephants as er as have been referred to .
22 Domestically , there are eleven shuttle flights a day to London Heathrow and six a day to London Gatwick , plus daily services of varying frequencies to Belfast , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Aberdeen and Newcastle .
23 He 's such an opposite to Jamie , I thought they were like almost alike but they 're not .
24 35 The return to Bethel : Benjamin is born : Rachel and Isaac die
25 His cautious and methodical ways , once so valuable a buffer to Richard 's impetuosity , now become more and more a cause of annoyance .
26 Remaining , however , with the old road makes possible a visit to Wiler , in the valley near Gurtnellen , where there is a seventeenth-century church of St Anna with a massive canopied porch ( a snow shelter ) through which the earlier historic Gotthard pack-trail actually passed .
27 ‘ Is that a compliment to Spain or a safe bet , Señorita Howard ? ’ the count asked tauntingly .
28 After that a visit to Jack proved most enlightening . ’
29 All the expeditions to Antarctica before 1969 had together found only four meteorites .
30 She sighed , but decided that unless she wanted to stand all the way to Oxford , she had no other choice .
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