Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would hardly have been possible for it to support beauty and extravagance and pleasure at the expense of mere survival , but it did at least hint that such a view could be held , and its mere admission of this possibility was to Clara profoundly satisfying .
2 There has also been a great deal of adulation which is perhaps even more harmful for it generates mysticism .
3 As each person dies , he does so in a little skirmish of the platoon that is parallel to , and reflects , one of the four major disastrous battles of the war — Dunkirk , Dieppe , Alamein and Arnhem — which is shown in tinted black-and-white footage , some of which we shot and some of it archive material .
4 This reply raises large issues ; but chapter 5 contains a lengthy argument that if there is any non-inferential knowledge , some of it concerns things other than our sensory states — so why not sheep , for instance ?
5 Ceauşescu was right : a few years later , the US Congress made freeing trade with the Soviet Union dependent on it permitting emigration , particularly of Soviet Jews .
6 None the less , large sums of public money are still being spent on drainage , much of it to improve farmland .
7 However , the literature so far described is concerned almost entirely with social work at the micro level : individuals , families and small groups , much of it using techniques that are of little relevance to community work , for example behaviour modification .
8 The report contains comments from policymakers in borrowing countries , much of it criticizing Bank officials for ignoring local input while implementing policies decided at Bank headquarters .
9 This growth has accelerated in recent years , much of it taking place in the 1970s and it has been concentrated more in the higher levels of the education system .
10 The diversity of material was due to the fact that much of it came courtesy of local mill-owners .
11 In 1898 the Great Western Railway conveyed 5,978 tons of broccoli from Cornwall , much of it going north via Didcot , Birmingham , and Crewe .
12 Bacon , as an advocate of really long-term investment , said the concentration on tobacco was ‘ to the untimely prejudice of the main business ’ , though it is not easy to see what he thought the main business of a plantation ought to be — his essay was full of sensible advice , much of it showing signs of the influence of the Virginia experience , but he never explained why people should want to support this sort of enterprise , unless it was to be part of a programme for sending people abroad to reduce overpopulation .
13 Sir Christopher said : ‘ The treaty is far from perfect and much of it concerns issues that should be debated more thoroughly .
14 The CAB has developed considerable skill in training , as this chapter has demonstrated , and much of it has relevance outside the CAB as well as inside .
15 As the Royal Bank is firmly established as a leading provider of services to the securities industry it was natural for it to assume responsibility .
16 Every evening after school and at weekends she 's hard at it doing research .
17 It should also be reasonable for it to cover areas where your colleague has influence to attract clients away .
18 That was all he could say for quite a time ; but when he had recovered his confidence he said a lot more , all of it expressing gratitude to Sheila for her quick thinking and great pluck and shame for his own and Chuck 's roughness with her earlier .
19 How important to it had Angela Morgan been ?
20 Those outside it have salary systems tied to those for the industry in which they are operating .
21 Textrix — its name is Latin for ‘ weaver ’ — is common wherever biggish stones are available for it to take shelter among and sling its web .
22 The elaboration and detail of the scheme and the variety of techniques available under it to protect investors suggests that it would be wrong to assume that the statute and its rulemaking powers should be interpreted as being in the shadow of the common law .
23 Whilst the press must not overstep the bounds set , inter alia , for the ‘ protection of the reputation of others ’ , it is nevertheless incumbent on it to impart information and ideas on political issues just as on those in other areas of public interest .
24 Even if it was rejected , however , under the terms of the country 's constitution approval by the lower house was sufficient for it to become law within 30 days regardless of its fate in the upper chamber .
25 She wondered how much he had witnessed , then realised he must have seen , and heard , most of it to order Paul Fisher to be carpeted , without suggesting Mr Drewer get her side of it .
26 Most of it happened thanks to tireless negotiations with opera houses , TV crews and recording companies in the west , but it has not so far turned out to be anything like a pact with the devil .
27 And there next to it stood Justine 's name .
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