Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 Powerhouse coach , Vince Krawczyk , argued : ‘ The semi-final was the best preparation possible for the match with Components .
2 Opinion on the exchanges was divided about the likely reaction to Labour as the party with the most seats but no overall majority .
3 Alistair Campbell will be chasing the 25 runs he needs to reach 500 for the season with club delighted by his contribution on and off the field .
4 Lion Cavern , on the other hand , is 12–1 for the race with Ladbrokes , while Hills quote him 6–1 ‘ with a run . ’
5 Topaz tried to avoid the direct lie , deeply sorry for the girl with the blotched face and red eyes .
6 I feel sorry for the farmers with so many rules and changes from the Common Market laws .
7 She could almost be grateful for the experience with Giles .
8 All his life Ramsey was sorry about the breach with Raven .
9 Happy May Day , and I 'm so sorry about the muddle with the draft I 've enquired at the head office of the Bank of Scotland , where I got it made out , and they seemed to think your Brno bank was being a bit dim , or perhaps even obstructionist , in telling you they could n't deal with it and that you 'd have to go to Prague to get it cashed .
10 In terms of the age distribution , the elasticity of expected duration with respect to benefits is 0.18 for men under 20 , decreases with age to a value of 0.06 for men over 55 ; NNS found the effect to be largest for the teenagers with a value of 0.65 .
11 The dilemmas are often more acute for the government with a small economy like Kenya 's than one with a large domestic market like Brazil or India .
12 For burglary , for example , the area with the highest risk of this crime , Mildmay , the rate is eight and one half times as high as that for the area with the lowest Ask .
13 In rats receiving the combination of sucralfate plus indomethacin , the area of gastric ulcer was less than the vehicle control but significantly higher than that after the treatment with sucralfate alone .
14 Does my hon. Friend agree that we should also pay tribute to Friends of the Earth which , when I was a Minister at the Department of Transport , suggested that it would be sensible for the Minister with responsibility for roads to go to the Netherlands with some civil servants to see how traffic calming works there .
15 Mains went along in the provincial games , playing steadily , scoring points ( he became top for the tour with 132 , 53 ahead of Bryan Williams and 77 clear of the third , Sid Going ) .
16 Ards now have Erskine , Bustard and McCourt doubtful for the replay with injuries .
17 Something decidedly peculiar about the boy with the whatsit round his head .
18 Durand , only the third Frenchman to win the event , came home alone after he and three others had broken clear of the field with 134 miles to go .
19 He thought that if he shot the barracuda behind the head , it would leap clear of the water with its jaws snapping .
20 To make a pattern , mask half of the arch with paper and draw round the outline .
21 Half of the night with our old friend
22 When the flora of fleshy-fruited species in a forest as a whole is examined , as at Cocha Cashu in Amazonian Peru , the fruits of the majority of the species ( in this case , two-thirds of 258 species , representing a quarter of the total flora and half of the genera with fleshy fruits ) seem to fit into one of two categories .
23 Furthermore half of the patients with some features of Crohn 's disease have been labelled as indeterminate colitis because the pathological features were not entirely diagnostic .
24 in over half of the households with severely incapacitated mothers , it was the breakdown in personal interaction and reciprocity which the daughters found most distressing , burdensome and hard to take .
25 But I like that half of the room with the chair and the telly
26 A honey-bee colony , which may eventually contain up to eighty thousand individuals , is founded when a young queen hatches in an existing colony and emigrates , taking half of the workers with her .
27 The rivers irrigate three million acres of farmland , feed a huge commercial fishery , provide a shipping canal , support a substantial leisure industry and supply half of the area with electricity .
28 Sift in half of the flour with the spice , then mix in half of the fruit and almonds .
29 After the wash is thoroughly dry , scrape away some of the colour with a burnisher or other tool .
30 Some of the women with a high specification of standards and routines in the present sample did , indeed , demonstrate a strong emotional involvement in housework and their ‘ guilt ’ , ‘ worry ’ or ‘ anxiety ’ about failures to meet housework standards does suggest some of the obsessional symptoms manifested by the patients in Cooper 's survey .
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