Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 According to the US consul in Saigon , three and a half of these four statements were completely false but , in fact , not only may Under-Secretary of State Dean Acheson have offered the ‘ good offices ’ of the US ( as they were to be offered in Indonesia ) but there was also at the same time in effect a plea from Moffat , then in Singapore , that for various reasons the US should intervene .
2 Generally speaking , we can say that for nationalized industries the accounting standard-setting function of the law relates to the form of published accounts ; while responsibility for the content is abrogated to the accounting profession ( because ‘ true and fair ’ is defined by professional pronouncements ) .
3 As the accompanying article by a Yugoslav investigative journalist suggests , however , it may well be that for political reasons the Yugoslavs have been fighting the case with at least one hand tied behind their back .
4 We will not consider this in detail , but should note that for foreign learners a typical situation — regrettably , an almost inevitable one — is that they learn a style of pronunciation which could be described as careful and formal .
5 In addition to these , however , we may note that for ascriptive adjectives the possibility of using an intensifying adverb depends simply on its lexical identity ; some , e.g. tough allow it , others , e.g. tubular , do not .
6 Always popular with British guests the Marco Polo has enhanced its appeal by a complete refurbishment , making it one of the most attractive hotels in Singapore .
7 If this layer of new material were put down each summer free from mechanical stresses the beam or branch would droop until the new material took up the strain and we should have a tree like a weeping willow .
8 The RSPCA first unveiled this eye-catching poster in Liverpool , where local RSPCA centres have to destroy hundreds of unwanted pets every week .
9 General Accident have indicated that subject to satisfactory trials the Traffic Club may be launched nationally to all interested local authorities during 1993 .
10 Using these in different combinations the number of phrases you could cope with is almost limitless .
11 " … a guide for the medical practitioners of both tropical and temperate regions to the origins and diagnosis of infections that are tropical as opposed to being cosmopolitan , and of great value for training and teaching because it reproduces much better and more comprehensively than is possible with ordinary textbooks the appearance of specimens that will be examined … has been prepared with great care and deserves to remain one of the standard texts in the subject for many years . "
12 This ensures that food is always cooked evenly across the full width of the vitreous enamelled grill-pan , so you can be sure of outstanding results every time you cook .
13 In the present study , in 42% ( 95% confidence interval : 38% to 46% ) of patients at stage IV with gastrointestinal symptoms no potential pathogen was detected in stool or gastrointestinal biopsy .
14 If you are involved in sponsored events a knowledge of camera sites and angles will be particularly important .
15 STAY-at-home Britons are crunching their way through £1.5 billion of savoury snacks a year , a survey reveals today .
16 ‘ Give it back you thief , ’ he bawls after me , but I spurt ahead , knocking over a coupla kids who start bawling and bellyaching as well , but I do n't stop to investigate , because after all , I 'm doing them a favour , the sooner they learn that life is full of hard knocks the better .
17 The more you observe the bird and the animal life you begin to realize that they 're not so dump after all and if anything they begin to look and behave more like human beings every day .
18 Following upon the Cleveland Report which was concerned with civil proceedings the Criminal Justice Act 1991 has now made it possible for video recordings of interviews with children to be used as evidence in criminal proceedings .
19 For those in desperate straits the line between superstition and saving faith is finely drawn .
20 Among those in residential homes the frequency with which bad temper was reported was 31 per cent when the respondent was a relative , friend or neighbour , 45 per cent when he or she was a staff member — a difference which did not reach statistical significance .
21 We have innumerable paths that need constant work but due to financial pressures the lucky ones might only receive around six weeks ' work a year .
22 If delays are incurred due to technical defects the problems have to be dealt with speedily and with a high degree of certainty that the defect has been cured .
23 Due to high winds the chimney stack became unsafe .
24 Nor does the Athenaion Politeia say more than that on certain matters the Boule does not have the final decision ( xlv ) , which is less than a direct and triumphant assertion of the Assembly 's sovereignty .
25 The intention to produce a full-scale study of Laxton , and also to make available for other researchers the methodology employed .
26 Answer guide : In general for external users the answer to this is the Annual Report or Accounts .
27 Of course , money tied up in options furnished just one of numerous excuses the client used to terminate relations with his licensed dealer .
28 Courtaulds Nippon Paint , a 50/50 joint venture between Courtaulds Coatings in the UK and Nippon Paint in Japan , will bring together the coil coatings technology of both companies and will make available to European customers the best Japanese technology and the systems Nippon Paint has developed for providing fast-response customer service .
29 Erm what place erm does the convenor see being made in the legal processes to make available to estranged couples the opportunity for erm voluntary conciliation between the parties ?
30 For example , in their linguistic ‘ salvage ’ work in Australia , many scholars feel that they are assisting by making available to Aboriginal communities a record of their languages which are under severe pressure from English ( see for example , Dixon and Blake 1979 ) .
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