Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] time there " in BNC.

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1 These incidents are rare not only because national emergencies are mercifully infrequent , but because for much of the time there is an instinctive understanding between the governors of the broadcasting organization and the government of the nation , as the corporation 's behaviour on issues like appeasement demonstrates ; Reith succumbed to the same collective delusion that had seized Chamberlain , his foreign secretary , Halifax , and most of the population .
2 For much of the time there was continuous subcutaneous and repressed friction , broken by occasional and emotionally trying attempts at reconciliation .
3 It can be weekly , fortnightly , monthly , or just occasionally on request but quite often we are finding that a person who 's assessed as needing help weekly , but all that we have got is fortnightly , and all of the time there are clients waiting for us to up the amount of help that we 're giving to them and , very much , it needs to be when it benefits them , and when it fits in with their lives .
4 This is sand-glass stuff and while each grain may seem small at the time there is an invincible logic to what happens in the end .
5 Planners there began to ask why it was that their residential streets were so dull and so unsafe , and why it was impossible to do anything else there except drive cars , even though most of the time there were no moving cars .
6 For most of the time there was no editorial pressure , though extrinsic factors , such as last minute ads , could suddenly , and annoyingly , reduce my space .
7 Depends , most of the time there is a .
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