Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The public may be interested in whether a bid is made , but it has no legitimate interest to defend .
2 One of the things I was asked to write about this week I think was a radio , to , to write about er what I felt about radios , you know , er , erm , so anything could be thrown at you , and obviously I have my areas that I particularly interested in and I think sometimes I get a bit complacement and I 'm writing about a , I find particularly interested in and a bit lazy , so its quite good to be stretched .
3 Whether Shabba succeeds outside of the reggae market is dependent on whether a major can retain the energy of his ragga product .
4 The nub of the question as to whether feminism is compatible with Christianity is that of whether a Christology can be found of which it may be said that at least it is not incompatible with feminism .
5 Some of these were enshrined in local guidelines , such as whether a person was deemed ‘ vulnerable ’ , or if they lived alone or had repeated admissions to hospital .
6 More useful criteria would be the type of decision made such as policy or routine ; or type of situation such as whether a crisis is likely to affect a large number of employees or a few ; or whether the problem is a short or long term one .
7 Even if it were not , there would be other problems , such as whether a book read by millions would count equally , in the corpus , with a private letter ; whether some publications ( eg literary magazines ) would be weightier , in determining the norm for the language , than others .
8 ‘ If a dolphin can out-manoeuvre or outswim a shark it will do so … . if the dolphins can not take evasive action for some good reason , such as that a birth is about to take place , they will attack a shark .
9 Briefly with the SAS in the Second World War , he distinguished himself by being wholly ignorant of whether a wheel nut was to be undone clockwise or not .
10 In short , those who propose a deprivation weighting must decide whether this is to be additional to or a substitute for mortality .
11 Six plus minus three is the same as six plus and a minus give you a minus , so it 's the same as six minus three which is ?
12 She knew Gwen Evans only slightly ; she had seen her at the funeral , and previous to that a couple of times , but the memory stuck .
13 The floor was bare as if a carpet had been removed , no doubt for forensic examination .
14 If th'guts 'd been griping and grinding like as if a corkscrew were twisting there , thee 'ud have done the same .
15 The reason I make this point is that while a retired architect may be covered by the PI policy of the firm he has left , that cover will only extend to the work he was involved with while a member of that practice .
16 We should be concerned about whether a science teacher is available to teach a science lesson , or whether the only person available is someone trained over a very short period .
17 While many users have developed joyous fantasies about what a 256 megabit DRAM will do for them , others are somewhat concerned about whether an alliance between these three giants will adversely affect the performance of the DRAM market .
18 After all , teachers are not generally too concerned with whether a child learns exactly what the average length of a brontosaurus was , or exactly how wide apart railway lines are , but they should be concerned that the child has the skills necessary to find out that information should it be required .
19 The case was concerned with whether a child under the age of 16 years could be given contraceptive advice without the consent of her parents .
20 Clearly it is no mere anthropomorphism to point out that the functional relation between these two and their capacity in man to render the species largely independent from and a controller of his natural environment has become a prime factor in the advance of man over other primate species .
21 They can take some getting used to and a bit of furtive fumbling is to be expected on the first few occasions .
22 rational behaviour on the part of investors in which they prefer more wealth to less and are indifferent to whether an increment to their wealth takes the form of an unrealized capital gain or a cash dividend payment .
23 ‘ It is obviously something Rosanne is aware of and a subject we talk about from time to time .
24 When SBUs reach the last phase of their life-cycle ( irrespective of whether a cost-leadership or differentiated-product strategy is being employed ) , there are still further options available which will need to be understood by the accountant in order to ensure that all options are considered and relevant financial profiles selected .
25 These studies independently suggested that , irrespective of whether a company is more or less integrated in structure , different levels of the organization have distinct roles in investment decision-making .
26 Irrespective of whether a hotel is small , medium or large the basic work of the reception office is the same , selling accommodation , receiving and welcoming guests , maintaining accounting and other records , liaison with all other departments within the hotel and integrating all activities relating to the service and comfort of the guests .
27 Irrespective of whether a horse 's bad habit is associated with anxiety or expectation , it is often best dealt with by avoiding the situation in which it appears ; until the horse 's anxiety or expectation is reduced , and a new habit of desirable behaviour has begun to form .
28 This faculty gives equal consideration to all applications received , irrespective of whether an asterisk has been placed against Edinburgh on the UCAS form .
29 Irrespective of whether an agreement or arrangement has been notified to the Commission or a complaint made , it is open to the Commission to launch its own investigation in relation to any agreement , practice or other activity which it may suspect infringes the competition rules .
30 But the main point is this : that irrespective of whether an analysis is embarked upon from the position of an openly stated or tacitly assumed ontological bias , or whether , on the contrary , the question of an ultimate choice of basic ontological existents is deliberately left undecided , it is usually taken for granted that the concept of an ontological existent is in general well understood .
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