Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Salmond had been the recipient of abuse all that day , mainly from Labour for voting with the Government on Maastricht the night before .
2 The provision of an adequate flat-rate pension would also prove a better vehicle than pension-splitting for dealing with the problems that are likely to face older women in the future as a result of divorce .
3 Its predecessor was extremely clear in dealing with the fundamental concepts of special relativity and although Rindler 's new book is more discursive and modern in its approach ( for example , its treatment of space time ) it does lose out in succinctness .
4 And you want to know what it was like being fêted by the Stones and Led Zep , and how in ‘ 61 Bob Dylan got his first Greenwich Village pro gig with John Lee ( and was apparently pissed off because the man from the New York Times was far more interested in rapping with the bluesman ) , but he just says it was nice to be able to put young Bob on the bandstand .
5 In open play , 'Mere seemed more interested in arguing with the referee and reacting to any niggle from the opposition .
6 Lymphocytes that enter the site could achieve this by competing with the invader , thereby lowering the level of nutrients and raising the level of the products of metabolism locally , for example making the environment more acid .
7 Could you exploit this by starting with the soundtrack without the picture ?
8 I countered this by intermixing with the transoxides .
9 They could do this by interfering with the transport of NGF along the fibre ; as in this experiment , the application of extra NGF directly on the cell body could help to stop the damage .
10 He claimed all countries have been guilty of tampering with the ball and conceded : ‘ We do n't know what we are going to do , and the countries do n't know the answer .
11 Their function is simply that of dealing with the business aspects of terrace life and of negotiating with the outside world .
12 As it is , some aspects of the field , notably that of dealing with the proceeds of crime , have proved to be technically difficult for the legislator and the courts alike .
13 Those who accuse Napoleon III of having gone to war on a frivolous pretext , that of siding with the Latin Catholic monks against the Greek Orthodox monks in this dispute , miss the point .
14 ‘ Where do you live ? ’ she asked , feeling a little less nervous about talking with the young man .
15 Good drama is very much about dealing with the mess we find ourselves in , not calling up some outside agency to solve all our problems .
16 Little acts of kindness which required the body 's co-operation , such as helping with the washing-up after a good meal , demanded a prodigious amount of persuasion ; while a really big thing , like finishing Student Cross , just met with stubborn resistance .
17 Other changes , such as experimenting with the creation of single-sex mathematics classes in a mixed school , are less straightforward and would depend for their success on the particular context of each individual school , and especially the reasons for employing this strategy .
18 They begin with simple movement exercises such as standing with the hands on the hips and very slowly rotating the head from right to left , then reversing the procedure .
19 I enjoyed the hurly burly of working with the oil men and fishermen on the wild coastlines of the north west and the islands .
20 To govern rather than merely preside , to bring about meaningful policy change as distinct from tinkering with the status quo , a president must establish a productive relationship with congress .
21 Company publicity manager said : ‘ This shows that the national TV campaign has done its job and the visitors Centre staff have been magnificent in coping with the big increase in visitors .
22 Tragically , from experience , I have discovered that Government Departments have not been speedy in dealing with the rights of victims of terrorism in Northern Ireland .
23 Not only are Arsenal losing , but they are failing to score — just one goal from seven games — and it 's beginning to have an effect on fans who have been accustomed to rolling with the good times .
24 His reasoning was that the first field was inadequate for operating with the additional load .
25 Be that as it may , Pigafetta 's diaries of the journey remain the classic source for all future accounts of the voyage : he had joined the ships , he said , because he was ‘ desirous of sailing with the expedition so that he might see the wonders of the world ’ .
26 Which means when you do business with ANZ you can be sure of dealing with the same bank at both ends of the transaction .
27 Please try to understand : I 'm so tired of living with the dead . ’
28 The stone walls of our cottage groan and shudder as if tired of battling with the centuries of wind .
29 Based on our research , we concur with the earlier observation that ‘ paraprofessionals who come from the communities which they serve have been found to be more effective in working with the people as they have close ties and may have insights and information not readily available to the outsider ’ ( IASSW , 1979 , p. 8 ) .
30 And , as the Canadian writer Eric Downton put it in 1986 , ‘ societies with Confucian-Buddhist roots are proving more effective in coping with the industrial and technological challenges on the eve of the twenty-first century than [ are those countries with a ] predominantly Christian-Hebraic heritage . ’
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