Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [v-ing] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Falkirk project , funded by DOE , was completed during the year and includes thirty-six thematic maps at 1:10 000 depicting geological topics relevant to land-use planning , with an accompanying report .
2 Beneath the tamarind trees white-suited Frenchmen and their women strolled with an indolent confidence through the native throng goateed mandarins in Chinese long gowns , younger Annamese wearing round caps and black knee-length silk jackets and occasional groups of shabby peasants arrayed in dark calico , cartwheel-sized straw hats and wooden sandals .
3 It will now be useful to describe all three using mechanical models since this shows where the bistable fits into a complete picture .
4 Like all these posturing middle-class women are timid .
5 Although the section will be relatively small to start with ( because the number of students involved in pilots is only a small proportion of all those taking Advanced Courses ) , over the next few years more staff will move across from traditional examination work to work on quality assurance as the number of students in validated courses grows larger .
6 Call barring is available to all those using digital exchanges , which now cover large chunks of the country and will shortly cover the whole country .
7 Or maybe Roecastle was just to warn out after all those punnishing reserve games ? ? ! ! ? ?
8 Had the numbers been written to the same number of decimal places all those ignoring decimal Points would have got the correct answers , producing artificially high success rates .
9 Basic shelter and kitchen facilities were necessary for the many thousands using rural areas each weekend , and the role of the Cyclists ' Touring Club ( CTC ) was significant in pioneering the provision of cheap overnight accommodation and other services for its members .
10 Christabel thought Croysant was derived from Croyance , meaning belief , and Saint — but it was one of those inaccurate guessing nineteenth-century etymologies .
11 The Rhayader ( 179 ) 1:50 000 geological map includes a number of inset maps at 1:250 000 displaying particular features , including left stratigraphic sections through the Caban Conglomerate Formation and the enveloping lithostratigraphy , and middle a structural and metamorphic map of the district .
12 This suggests that axons within such a bundle recognise one another using molecular cues and as such its relevance may be quite general .
13 The London exchange opened the day with the Footsie one hundred making early gains , at one stage up forty-four points ; however , it slipped back to end the day up twenty seven point seven at two oh five eight point five .
14 Construction method would be single walled using concrete blocks and bricks .
15 Can I just draw people 's attention to the very last point which was made in case any one sending large sums of cash through the post office , erm , it , it 's been running for a long time
16 When they were all sitting cross-legged in the corridor , huddled in their blankets , staring wide-eyed at the two tough looking armed figures he realised they must present , Grant called in one last time to Springfield .
17 On the top of the rockface before him stood two practical looking young women in their early twenties .
18 During the 1950s those seeking organic explanations were encouraged by the discovery of similarities between schizophrenia and the effects of hallucinatory drugs like LSD , and by the efficacy of the newly introduced neuroleptic drugs .
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