Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [adj] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 And of course , when Corrie left , changed into her new suit , her mother , emotional after the ceremony , had had another little upset at the fact that she was going away too , just when she needed some comfort for one daughter 's departure .
2 He could see that all the interest groups were doing was shifting the balance of power , leaving some more powerful at the expense of others .
3 Electro-acupuncture is a recent development in which the balancing of the energy flow is achieved by passing a weak electric current at a specific frequency — often 2.5 , 10 or 80 pulses per second ( Hertz or Hz ) through the indicated acupuncture points .
4 Moving on to the smaller lifeboats Mr Vernon referred to development work on a 22ft version of the Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable at the RNLI 's Inshore Lifeboat Centre at Cowes .
5 Company exploration at Invergeldie , west of Comrie , located small outcrops of massive arsenopyrite up to 0.75 m thick at the contact of epidiorite sills and Dalradian metasediments ( MEG 248 ) .
6 And let's face it er Social Security payments for this sort of thing are n't all that great at the moment .
7 Between the tournaments and all that smiling at the cameras , one wondered how they found the time and the energy to do all those things that the popular press said they did .
8 I had n't thought he 'd be all that bright at the bogeyman stuff . ’
9 The rest of the meat is divided up among all those present at the kill — the reason being that it 's only by sheer force of numbers that any hunt succeeds .
10 Apparently , most hunts begin and end high in the mountains , far away from any village , and all those present at the kill have been with the hunt throughout .
11 A Publicity Committee was formed to attract more members and on New Year 's Eve 1946–47 what appears to be the first such Social at the Club was held and included ‘ modern dancing to a radiogram ’ .
12 Lot number one hundred and twenty Lot number one twenty there it is at the back on the left , one twenty right at the back there for three hundred pounds at three hundred pounds at three hundred pounds , any more at three hundred only ?
13 But Summers , anxious to keep the former Argentinian international at The Hawthorns , is quoted as saying : ‘ If Sugar so much as points a finger in our direction , I 'll snap it off .
14 Alison Rose , the 24-year-old from Farnham , running for the United Kingdom in her first cross-country international at a ‘ Festival of Women ’ event in Bergamo , Italy , last week , finished second .
15 ‘ The messages on our banners in 1979 — freedom , opportunity , family , enterprise , ownership — are now inscribed on the banners in Leipzig , Warsaw , Budapest and even Moscow , ’ she told the enraptured Tory faithful at the close of the Blackpool conference .
16 I was grey here at twenty two white grey at the sides .
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