Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 A bicycle wheel fitted into the rail slots perfectly , with disasterous results as Yanto had often discovered after the odd liquid lunch at the Sharpness Hotel .
2 The former , who had succeeded to his title in 1543 , had maintained a strong feudal authority at the service of three Tudor monarchs with divergent religious attitudes .
3 Many suffered hardship waiting for payments but were also made ineligible for help from the Independent Living Fund and other benefits because of the ‘ complete administrative disarray at the Benefits Agency ’ .
4 However , even here a discrepancy arises as Mercier shows the keyfronts to be black ( just as we see them on the William Smith ) , whereas in all of the spinets by Hitchcock and in his sole surviving harpsichord at the Victoria and Albert Museum , London , the colour of the keyfronts matches the natural key plates ( i.e. ivory keys always have ivory arcades ) .
5 And the PLO , Israel and several Arab states are to meet to discuss regional economic development at the World Bank headquarters in Washington on September 20 .
6 As a young man he found ungainful but instructive employment as assistant private secretary at the Colonial Office ( 1892–5 ) .
7 So that we really do hope that when the news comes through today , it 's going to be positive and the international community , if I can put it this strongly , will have come to it 's senses and said this can not go on , we must have a more representative political presence at the U N.
8 I was very surprised to see Strange play that awful shot at the 17th .
9 I was on my own now , faced with that half-obliterated turn at the V-point of the side gorge where water pouring over the track was eating away at the surface .
10 The way was now open for peace negotiations with France , and these negotiations inevitably looked rather like the negotiations which had ended the wars against Louis XIV in 1713 — sensible enough at a time of high expenditure but not fair to allies nor likely to allow the British negotiators to gain the largest possible amount at the bargaining table .
11 Just as Eve came from Adam 's rib , just as Venus was born out of the waves , Agnes sprang from the gesture of that sixty-year-old woman at the pool who waved to the lifeguard and whose features are already fading from my memory .
12 The man forgot one issue , the European Monetary Union , it was Mr Major that took us into the Economic Monetary Union at the wrong way , he took us in on a political decision on the last day of a Labour Party Conference in Blackpool and he 's forgotten that .
13 CATHOLIC BISHOPS stepped into the Spanish political arena at the weekend by warning Basques not to vote in this month 's elections for Herri Batasuna , the legal arm of ETA , the Basque terrorist group .
14 At first appraisal , Great Britain was , in 1914 , undisputed mistress of the seas , as she had been since 1805 when Admiral Lord Nelson destroyed the combined Franco-Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar .
15 Nick Dallman , now an assistant foreign editor at the Guardian , escaped from Hungary to Austria in 1948 .
16 An attempt to contest Japan 's control over Korean foreign policy at the Hague peace Conference in 1907 fell on deaf ears ; whether Korea was , or was not , independent meant little to most of the nations of the West .
17 The opposite suggestion , that marine planation at the present level is active , has been made from observations of wide platforms truncating hard rocks and apparently related to present sea level .
18 Safdarjung interested me because his life seemed to encapsulate perfectly the intriguing but cataclysmic half-century that linked the Mughal high noon at the close of the seventeenth century with the decay and disintegration of the Twilight fifty years later .
19 Who 's that old tosser at the bar ?
20 Who 's that old tosser at the bar ?
21 Who 's that old tosser at the bar ?
22 Who 's that old tosser at the bar ?
23 He was sentimental and politically naïve , and the outstanding British boxer at the heavier weights in the first half of the twentieth century .
24 One who had given me invaluable help in tracking down German sources and participants was a sixty-year-old cultural attaché at the German Embassy by the name of Herbert Sulzbach .
25 The films had a sense of urgency that the rest of mainstream British cinema at the time largely lacked , but their directors did n't have enough personal contact with the lives of their characters to offer visions that rang true .
26 The business of America being business , the phone companies object to being forced to give up possible commercial advantage at the behest of the state , and feel that American companies will suffer in international telecommunications markets .
27 SIR Neville Cardus , the most literate and incorruptible of cricket-writers , adorned the pre-war Guardian and I wonder in what contempt he 'd hold advocates of expedience like Selvey and Martin-Jenkins — as well as that gutless crew at the TCCB , the International Cricket Council and Lord 's .
28 Inspector Redpath had n't breakfasted , either , but he did n't fancy breakfast with that distasteful job at the mortuary in front of him .
29 In 1793 , in a more striking case , a boy of seventeen was left at the beginning of the struggle with the French revolution as the sole British representative at the military headquarters of the king of Prussia .
30 But it achieves this solid reliability at the expense of productivity .
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