Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 From this standpoint , Soviet intervention in Angola ( 1975–76 ) and the Horn of Africa ( 1978 ) was not ‘ adventurist ’ : the United States was under strong political pressure not to bring its military potential to bear .
2 End seems as far away as ever , he wrote , with the whole of the lower right panel still to sort out .
3 there may have been the odd light shower just to lay the dust but not a lot more .
4 We are sending you this advance notification partly to give you as much notice as possible but also , as the seminar is likely to be over-subscribed , to take advance reservations for places .
5 It flattered his vanity to think himself in love with me ; it also gave him , I believe , some unadmitted pleasure constantly to long for my flesh and yet always to forbid himself the attaining of it : to deny himself was just as exciting as to indulge himself .
6 But bef before we start issuing that we ought to get the members of this this group here to agree what the objectives are .
7 This must have contributed eventually to the decision of the British Caledonian board reluctantly to consider a merger with the much larger BA .
8 Beryl Cooper brought her 75-year old father home to live with herself , her husband and their two children on the day her mother died .
9 So is the German commercial-property market about to crash ?
10 The Stewarts reigned for 333 years , through 7 Scottish kings , a queen ( Mary Queen of Scots ) , and 7 monarchs of Great Britain , making theirs the longest monarchical dynasty ever to rule in these islands .
11 Another parliamentary colleague consistently to make the connection between Britain 's economic policies and the European morass into which she is in danger of sinking is Nicholas Budgen , Member for Wolverhampton .
12 That urgency , she added , was even greater in the party 's Scottish heartland , where Labour knows that anything but a convincing election challenge could allow the Scottish National Party rapidly to mobilise a bandwagon of anti-Conservative protest .
13 And it is there in his conducting of Debussy 's Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune , which the English Wagnerian Reginald Goodall once singled out as conducting that managed by some unique alchemy simultaneously to catch a sense of fire and ice , sultry heat and marble calm .
14 When a pet cat has started scratching the fabric of a valuable chair , for example , or has begun to make messes on an expensive carpet , it would be helpful to be able to sprinkle or smear some hated odour there to keep the animal away .
15 For a moment he let himself imagine he was some great explorer about to enter a hostile , unknown land on which his name would later be stamped for all history .
16 When Coenred went to Rome he went in the company of Offa , son of Sigehere and king of the eastern Saxons , who abdicated at the same time ( HE V , 19 ) , and the harmony which appears to have prevailed between Coenred and Offa is another salutary warning not to describe relations between overlords and their royal dependants in this period as one of constant hostility .
17 provide that : This bold attempt both to exclude private international law and to make ULIS applicable in Contracting States even if there were no point of contact with a Contracting State had its supporters but attracted such fierce criticism that no organization concerned with unification has had the temerity to repeat the experiment .
18 The truth is , that the whole long history of religion is littered with evidence that it is this very failure continually to revise , supplement and , where necessary to ruthlessly reject the scriptures , that has brought about , in this late twentieth century , some of obvious that there can be no real hope of salvaging the old order .
19 You 're a third of the way into your second year , with another full year still to run from next September . ’
20 To make this smaller-sized bale easier to handle , Mick Moulton , of Moulton Engineering , developed the BBG 2 grab to pick-up three bales with an adjustable length bar .
21 She 'll be out in ten minutes , but I 'll pinch some loose skin just to make sure there 's no reaction . ’
22 They also slam a shot of dub into this heady brew just to keep you guessing where their collective heads are really at … man !
23 Even after experiencing the spartan life of a training farm , Käthe Fischel found conditions at this orthodox hostel hard to take .
24 We 'd have other ones as well but just to show this particular example just to keep it small I 'll make it small .
25 And I have used this particular acid already to etch zinc .
26 If the adventurers are successful in picking the lock , this trap wo n't be activated , but they will have to be very careful taking out the money without breaking the glass sphere ( no test needed , but you should roll dice as if you were making some secret test just to scare the players ) .
27 When the driver pushes the throttle button or puts his foot on the pedal , there is none of the usual mechanical linkage there to swing into action .
28 The ‘ dilemma ’ , in our present model , is that it appears rational for each individual player not to disarm , but to arm .
29 During the 1620s Patriarch Filaret had sanctioned cautious liturgical reform precisely to forestall foreign infection .
30 Kenny made his League debut for the Palace at Tranmere in May 1975 at just over 16 years of age and is the second youngest player ever to appear in the Palace first team .
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