Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] make [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And is that supposed to make everything better ?
2 erm I think perhaps we were on erm traffic management generally , you mentioned Howard Street and Magdalen Street , which you all know you know has always been a bone of contention amongst the Conservatives erm they spent two hundred thousand on it and they now want another two hundred and fifty thousand to make it permanent , and so on and so forth .
3 Perhaps all that makes it easier to understand why Orwell was so anxious that Waugh should read his books : anxious enough to send him copies , though to a stranger .
4 It was also suggested that the Board had insufficient knowledge of the Highlands and all this made it difficult for them to act correctly .
5 All this makes it unlikely that the alliance ante-dated 440 , when Corinth , for whatever reason , voted against war with Athens over Samos ( p. 46 ) , i.e. when surface relations were still good .
6 All this makes it difficult for the Tories to mount a convincing assault on Labour 's drastic plans for Politically Correct social engineering .
7 All this makes it evident and indisputable that the compiler of PS did not understand the finer points of trust wordings : for he announces that the wordings he quotes are ones in which the settlor addresses the beneficiary .
8 His prose too is highly mannered in both his Latin and his English treatises ; it calls attention to itself and to the writer in striking contrast to the calm , lucid prose of our other mystics , who are all careful to make it clear that their word is not law but only their own opinion .
9 All three made themselves available for the club committee .
10 The increased range and penetration of government activity , the tendency for specialised administrative departments to function with little political control , the growing complexity in the affairs of trade unions and other voluntary organisations which led to greater dependence upon professional experts — all these made it imperative that the general public should be better informed than ever before .
11 The growth of cross border mergers , the increasingly free capital movements and the completion of the Single European Market in 1992 all make it essential that an effective EC merger policy is devised .
12 The Court was surprised that those suggestions should have been made , and the Court owed it to its members and to all concerned to make it clear that no attempt had been made by anyone directly or indirectly , otherwise than in open court , to influence its decision .
13 In retrospect the most important event of 1986 may have been the conception of the new Networker train , filling a vital gap price and quality wise , at long last making it possible for NSE to plan systematic replacement of old EMUs .
14 Cheers Marjie , that 's what the people say , Oh Marjie , how many memories have you Marjie , Some sad , some glad , some more that made you real mad , But all in all , what an interesting career you 've had , Oh Marjie keep healthy , happy and without fail writing too For without your good advice , life is a little less nice Marjie , the very best to you . ’
15 How much more that makes us aware of our duty to safeguard the world .
16 Life 's a nightmare unless you can laugh , and it 's not use documenting the down side of reality unless you can smile , dance and live enough to make it all worthwhile .
17 What do they have in common that makes them material substances ?
18 From the historian 's point of view , twelfth-century diplomatic makes it possible to study the legal , administrative , and political history of the period with a confidence and an ease simply lacking in earlier times .
19 Faint light from the open doors of Five , Lower Six and Upper Six made it possible to see , shedding pale blurry patches on to the corridor floor .
20 Two hundred to make their own way in the world .
21 Holy Living and Holy Dying made him famous and went through twenty editions in the next fifty years .
22 LUCA CUMANI improved his impressive Brighton record when the strapping Declassified made it 22 winners from 40 runners at the track in five years for the Newmarket trainer .
23 The last two made her suspicious of Russia , and even ready to fight her in the 1870s .
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