Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] year ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 During that eight years ' task , those at the heart of it were learning themselves how to pray more deeply and contemplatively .
2 A multichannel spectrum analyser , with the capability of scanning 10,000,000 frequencies simultaneously in the microwave portion of the spectrum , would work in tandem with some of the world 's largest radio telescopes in a targeted survey of solar type stars within 75 light years ' distance .
3 At this stage SGB Group already had some 12 years ' experience in processing by computer its main business systems .
4 After a further six years ' wait ( during which my original proposer and seconder had died and their nominations had been taken up by two ex-captains ) , my name came up for election again , and this time , I was told , the opposition from members , particularly those in the legal profession who were friends of Lord Robertson , was fiercer .
5 A further three years ' non-residence , as well as the revenues already held for three years without ordination and without papal dispensation' .
6 A further three years ' non-residence , as well as the revenues of Ightham , were also granted to him by papal indult .
7 Former Bangladesh President Hussain Mohammad Ershad was sentenced on Feb. 3 to a further three years ' imprisonment for illegally amassing some 19,000,000 taka ( about US$510,450 ) .
8 The Battalion was finally wound up on 7 August 1946 , and the Works lost its close association with the 1st Bucks , of some 69 years ' standing , for in 1947 , in the new TA formation , it became a Light-Anti-Aircraft Regiment , no part of which was raised at Wolverton .
9 The former training division is an established one of some 25 years ' standing .
10 Three children to raise , two moves in ten years and an OU degree on top TEN years ' study is rewarded next Saturday when Mrs Catherine Goode graduates from the Open University .
11 They received this 3 years ' worth of money to set up their new community facilities .
12 But I have a sneaking feeling that in another five years ' time I 'll be reviewing the GR-100 and that will be the one …
13 Existing gainers of the subsidy would presumably be given a further five years ' grace , and new recruits would similarly benefit .
14 The call came from the director general of the Office of Fair Trading , Sir Gordon Borrie , in a hard-hitting review of this 16 years ' work , at a recent Institute of Directors ' branch meeting .
15 There was a staff of three Corporals , one Sergeant and the scarred Sergeant-Major who had interviewed me , all of whom were veterans of some twenty years ' service in the Legion , filling in their last years before retirement .
16 One major achievement was the adoption , by the influential Council of Bars and Law Societies of the European Community ( CCBE ) — after some 15 years ' debate — of a draft directive on rights of establishment under home title .
17 The EEC this month revealed that Europe 's nuclear industry holds a stockpile of some four years ' supply of enriched uranium .
18 I suspect that in another hundred years ' time people will look back and wonder at our apparent inability to regard sound recordings as permanent media , like books , music , or paintings .
19 He did a further two years ' apprenticeship at Covent Garden , and then six years back at the Arts Council in finance department .
20 After forty four years ' service with the company David Smith , Shift Supervisor , retired on 19th February .
21 Meanwhile Yorkshire 's liquidity has held up and should guarantee the county at least another seven years ' existence , time enough for the new management and its overseas players to wave their collective wands .
22 For example , in Birmingham in 1973 a young mugger was sentenced to a draconian 20 years ' detention amid enormous publicity , and yet this sentence made no difference to the incidence of mugging offences in Birmingham or in other areas ( Baxter and Nuttall , 1975 ; Beyleveld , 1990 : 157 ) .
23 The 15 all present and correct had between them an astonishing 533 years ' service .
24 ‘ It has taken a long 10 years ' work to get Australia to where we are now yet it can disappear so quickly .
25 First Lieutenant Jaroslav Oudran was sentenced on March 14 to 4 1/2 years ' imprisonment and stripped of his rank by a military court , having been convicted of using force in an " inadmissible " way during the violent police dispersal of a demonstration by students on Nov. 17 , 1989 , which had set in motion the events which led to the removal of the communist regime [ see p. 37026 ] .
26 1977 ) , and a sediment core 2.8 m long from neighbouring Lake Fryxell is estimated from C-14 dating to represent over 50 000 years ' deposition ( Parker and Simmons , 1985 ) .
27 It intends to use its contacts with architects , builders , joiners , electricians etc to provide a building and hopefully also assist in raising income for the first few years ' running costs .
28 The first 10 years ' capacity of 7,000 tonnes of spent fuel is taken up and full provision for the decommissioning of all THORP facilities will have been covered during this period .
29 The Cordillera Real Mineral Programme is an in-depth metallogenic study following on the first four years ' reconnaissance .
30 With twenty six years ' experience in industry , Jim McDaid was appointed to the position of Chief Industrial Engineer for Stoddard Carpets Ltd .
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