Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] him in [art] " in BNC.

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1 But that pleasure was tinged with sadness because his mother , Joanna , is n't alive to see him in a role he might have been born to play .
2 Dr Mackintosh had left for the weekend , but Dr Lange , the literary one , would be free to see him in the morning .
3 All this involves him in a vast amount of estate business as well as , he says with a mixture of relish and despair , ‘ this desperate business of patronage ’ .
4 It gave him four and a half years of power without full responsibility — although he no doubt did not consider that this placed him in the harlot class .
5 This put him in a quandary .
6 But if the teacher remains the chief articulator of purpose and the planner and executor of method , this leaves him in a fairly exposed position even if lie is surrounded by technical , production and librarianship support .
7 One very small point of procedure is worth noting : at a first glance at this example there appears to be a redundancy of the indication pp , but on closer examination it is seen that it has never been used unnecessarily , for where it appears on the same line of the score in two successive bars the first of the pair of instruments whose parts are written on that line enters alone , and the second joins him in the next bar .
8 The second hit him in the back then travelled upwards for about eight inches before bursting out of his chest .
9 The second hit him in the right shoulder , the impact lifting him off his feet and sending him toppling towards the head of the stairs .
10 His appointment as lieutenant of the Tower in June 1660 placed him in a position vital to the maintenance of order in the City .
11 The matter in question may be so complex and technical , the conflict so acute , and the customer 's understanding and experience so limited , that , however full any disclosure made to him , it is impossible to place him in a position where he has sufficient comprehension of the issues and consequences of consenting to enable him to give binding consent .
12 Experimental surgery on his legs when he was 10 left him in a wheelchair , yet in 1988 he climbed Kala Patar in the Himalayas over 18,000 feet in the shade of Everest .
13 On occasions a fortunate , or bemused , beneficiary received no less than three charters each confirming him in the legitimate enjoyment of the same right .
14 Only the last of these put him in a bad light , but it is enough .
15 Somehow it was hard to imagine him in the gym .
16 They were glad to have him in the gang and he was delighted to be among them .
17 Bishops Hall doing it nicely under Brad and it 's good to see him in the saddle today because he was offered the ride on Morley Street but he 'd already said yes and he 's a man of his word and he agreed to ride this horse .
18 Nevertheless , Jackson had managed to convey the essence of this tall , eccentric doctor in his report , enough to make Montgomery very curious to meet him in the flesh .
19 Too late to get him in the team , though . ’
20 She wished that she had been able to spot him in the crowd .
21 But if you see the top man around the business you are able to look him in the eye and tell whether you can trust him or not .
22 It was out in the open now and she was able to look him in the face again , all pretence finished .
23 Gedanken stared down at the carpet , unable to look him in the eye .
24 Well , he , it 's not that far away and it 's , if he 's in here and they can see to him , fair enough , or they might be able to point him in a different direction , a better direction
25 He said : ‘ Police surgeons have looked at him and said it 's safe to detain him in a police cell . ’
26 No , too fanciful to consider him in the role of murderer .
27 However experimental surgery on his legs when he was ten left him in a wheelchair .
28 That formed him in the womb ;
29 Compared to this , the look of anger he had worn when she had first met him in the garden was merely one of passing irritation .
30 It was crossing their minds that it might be safer to leave him in the car , but they had to consider whether they could trust him not to steal it .
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