Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] at [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ By comparison , there are 1,566 capitalised at under £100m and the maintenance of two markets covering smaller companies no longer makes sense' , say Beeson Gregory .
2 Commenting cautiously on the present situation for the newspaper Kultura , the Chairman of the Archaeo-Geographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Academician Sigurd Schmidt , has said that he is convinced that a library belonging to the Muscovite sovereigns does in fact exist , and that , wherever it may be located , it will be possible to find at least fragments of what is left .
3 Officials predicted that a combination of debt rescheduling , additional aid commitments and improved invisibles such as tourism , would check the balance-of-payments deficit and improve the country 's reserves , which by mid-1989 stood at only $500,000,000 , down by half since the end of 1988 .
4 Les Holliday produces the near-impossible — a marine tank he 's prepared to recommend at under £250
5 Available at most good sports shops , the Challenge 26 retails at around £45.00 .
6 What 's more , Pinnacle says it will deliver its S-10 clone at around 65% of Sun 's list price , which would peg an entry-level machine with a 36MHz CPU doing 86 MIPS , 44 SPECint92 and 53 SPECfp92 at around $12,000 — £9,600 .
7 Construction of the dam , which is likely to cost at least $20 billion , will flood 600 kilometres of river valley and displace more than a million people .
8 In three respects at least D. H. Lawrence 's attitude to homosexuality was typical : first , he seems to have been able to accept it only in an idealized and spiritual form ; as Paul Delany puts it , he wanted not a lover but a spiritual brother .
9 An aspiring university teacher appointed in his early 20s is likely to earn at least £4,000 less than an articled clerk in a City solicitors ' firm .
10 But from the very fact that a religious authority who was comparable with the Pope , and for whose position no precedent seems to have existed in the Ottoman state except , perhaps , in its earliest , almost legendary days , appears on the scene relatively suddenly in the time of Murad II , it seems possible to deduce at least part of the reason for the foundation of the institution .
11 All weighed at least 10% more than their ideal reference weight ( 63.0 ( 1.3 ) kg ) .
12 Chapter 4 looks at how physics students and staff construct the subject ‘ physics ’ , and at the way in which this affects , and is affected by , their ideas about humanities disciplines .
13 In the presence of the initiating NTPs , initiated complexes were detectable by KMnO 4 footprinting at both P A3 and P A2b promoters , and were resistant ( P A2b ) or partially resistant ( P A3 ) to a short heparin challenge .
14 Armed with this knowledge , they were able to look at how maternity care was offered in their own hospital , and adapt it .
15 The Spanish government may , of course , be hoping in the long term to be able to buy at least part of this collection at favourable rates ; otherwise it must simply be gambling on the Thyssen collection being a sufficiently spectacular and alluring feather in the cultural cap of the capital over the next ten years to make its considerable investment worthwhile .
16 The third sentence it 's beautiful to look at etc comment on Jemma 's version .
17 You may prefer to pay more for a course geared specifically to the needs of health visitors rather than something more general , and may be able to recoup at least part of the costs of attending a course from your local continuing education budget .
18 The Missing Man formation demonstrated here by the A Ten based at nearby Bentwaters , was often a daily sight when Parham was fully operational from nineteen forty three to forty five .
19 If you take advantage of the sales you 'll be able to save at least 20p in the £ on goods which are already at rock-bottom prices .
20 The firm 's turnover by mid-1987 reached at least £5m. , with a pro rata rise in profits and ROCE .
21 Oh it 's nice to look at though Ray .
22 Between Monday and Thursday day trips for a family of four start at just £12 .
23 Reagan 's capacity to learn from past mistakes and to make the adjustments necessary to achieve at least part of his declared purpose can be seen in his second term and in the passage of welfare reform legislation .
24 At first the load was trifling , annual expenditure in the 1950s running at about £1 million , rising to around £5 million annually in the mid-1960s .
25 Please be ready to board at least £15 mins before sailing time .
26 But unc has only n columns ; hence unc and the minor have at least n — ( p + q ) common columns , i.e. unc has at least n — ( p + q ) linearly independent columns .
27 With the almond sponge choose between a Spanish treat such as Sainsbury 's Moscatel de Valencia — rich and sweet , and an excellent buy at just £2.99 — or the extremely flowery and delicious Muscat de Beaumes de Venise , £7.25 a justifiably popular dessert wine for a special occasion .
28 ‘ We would not have stayed with this product so long if we did not believe there was potential to make at least £20 million annual profit from it , ’ Shaw says .
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