Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] you [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sorry to burden you with another Europroblem , but with the growth in cross-border activity , we are getting more and more bright-eyed young journalists that know a foreign language and report back from continental press conferences the English equivalent of exactly what was said in the local language — except that it does n't actually mean anything in English : an august journal — no names to spare any blushes — reports that the boss of IBM Deutschland GmbH said with regard to the company 's figures ‘ we made a decision to place a burden on our financial balance in order to ensure a healthier future ’ …
2 Does that reassure you on that one , or do you still think you were being asked to do something ?
3 I am sorry to worry you over this but the result of the present system is that John Merer and I are barely on speaking terms .
4 This allows you to Clear and Set fonts to any range .
5 ‘ If you are going to gut the house all in one go , this commits you to thousands of pounds worth of work .
6 His face filled with sly mockery , he allowed his eyes to slide insultingly over her , and a sneer pulled at his mouth as he said softly , ‘ Maybe I was wrong to ditch you after all .
7 Does this remind you of some long-lost luxury ? ’
8 Since last April many people have given me their congratulations , followed by the question , ‘ Does this involve you in any work ? ’
9 I really do n't feel free to tell you about this , but it seems to have been both deeply deranging and profoundly helpful .
10 Does this help you in some way ?
11 Afterwards , Lord Sterling sent a facsimile message from Britannia to Buffalo , which read : ‘ Delighted to see you in such splendid company on this great occasion . ’
12 I have come to you tonight as much to thank you for that answer as to explain to those of you who already plan to make your home in Eretz — and to any others who may make such a decision in the future — what lies before you . ’
13 I wonder if you would be good enough to place the following thank you in next months mag ?
14 I must take this opportunity to say a personal thank you to each and everyone of you for your kind support and all the good wishes that I have received during the past six months .
15 Beginning with one or more of these questions is likely to carry you into other , new areas of your own .
16 THE TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE is glad to help you with any enquiry .
17 We will be glad to assist you with any special requirements you may have and to offer you our hospitality and advice throughout your visit .
18 ‘ I was supposed to take you in dead , ’ muttered K ! sdra sullenly .
19 There is a rent review due next year , and I think they will be quite likely to ask you for additional rent , erm amount of rent per annum to you .
20 So , to take one illustration from the law reports , if you are the company 's assistant accountant , it could be unfair to dismiss you for alleged lack of management ability if that has no real bearing on your daily tasks .
21 I 'm so sorry to put you to all this trouble . ’
22 I 'm sorry to put you to any inconvenience , but it ca n't be helped .
23 Mayoress : ( warmly ) It 's good to see you after all I 've heard .
24 It 's good to meet you at last .
25 One thing you can be sure of is that the panel will know the words of these characters very well ( they will probably be able to prompt you at any given moment should you ‘ dry ’ ) but each and every time the lines are spoken by a new voice they are different in their texture , humour , drama and music .
26 Hospital chaplains and your own minister may be able happy to support you through stressful and difficult times , particularly if you are working in an emotionally stressful area .
27 It seems a bit extreme to banish you to solitary confinement — especially at this early hour .
28 ‘ So I wo n't be able to see you for those two weeks .
29 In any event , they should be able to provide you with good advice .
30 COHSE , the RCN , and the HVA all offer indemnity insurance schemes , and your local steward should be able to provide you with specific written details of this .
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