Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] that one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To someone such as I , who had the vague but tenacious idea that Indians communicated in pictures only , a fragile method , it is pleasant to see that one scholar of native American languages calls the manuscripts ‘ the largest corpus of texts ’ of them and ‘ a remarkable resource ’ .
2 This means that one product in a line is reduced to below-cost levels with the aim of attracting attention to the product line or range as a whole .
3 This means that one cosine has 2 associated angles .
4 A well-known example is ‘ controversy ’ , which is pronounced by some speakers as and by others as ; it would be quite wrong to say that one version was correct and one incorrect .
5 Some official sources on June 30 said that one gunman had been killed in the exchange of fire but that a second was under interrogation .
6 This suggests that one priority is a general initial training supplemented by training in more specific skills relating to the presenting difficulties of the children being supported .
7 Given these assertions , it is easy to see that one reason for the neglect of Freud by sociologists , especially in Britain and to a lesser extent in the United States , is as much due to the fact that intellectual fashions have changed as to anything intrinsic to Freud 's theory .
8 Rajavi on April 7 claimed that one person had been killed .
9 It then becomes impossible to rank societies as more or less aggressive than one another , just as it is impossible to say that one society is more or less evil than another .
10 And a study in the 1940s reported that one person in every five over sixty was receiving some form of financial support from a son or a daughter .
11 Watching Laura , it is hard to believe that one year ago this chubby child from Manchester with the tangle of blonde curls was a jaundiced , wasted waif , waiting to die .
12 It is hard to believe that one architect created all three : the dour , round-arched entrance front , the blandly conventional west front and the garden front serenely composed about its canted bay with female heads , heraldic complexities and subtle drapes of rustication .
13 It would be very naive to suppose that one report taken on its own could tell you as much as you might want to know about the organization .
14 So it 's comforting to know that one word is all you need specify in order to meet the new standards : Pilkinsulation .
15 Human life is a series of lessons and opportunities for development and evolvement and to me it seems logical to assume that one spirit continues its learning process throughout many lifetimes .
16 Russell does not say what form the ‘ complicated arguments ’ about the validity of this argument might take , but the chapter in which it occurs is entitled ‘ Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description ’ , so it is reasonable to suppose that one thing that was bothering Russell was the possibility that a person who meaningfully uses the word ‘ I ’ does so in virtue of knowing something which he calls ‘ I ’ not by acquaintance , but by description .
17 Thus , we all agree that one component of a building is a roof ( and not vice versa ! ) , that chemistry is a branch of science , or that an Alsatian is a dog .
18 For example , it may be possible to determine that one group of contexts represents a building , which was covered by a group of contexts representing a paved area , which in turn was covered by a group of contexts representing another building , etc .
19 You should be able to see that one bed knits on each row .
20 Stef was turning out to be very trying ; she seemed unable to accept that one love can finish just like that — poof ! — and a new one begin .
21 This argument is perfectly true , but it is important to remember that one step of motor position produces a load movement which is only a fraction 1 /N of the motor 's step .
22 But the seeming ‘ either/or ’ conflict suggested by these opposing views does not exist ; leadership styles can vary in degrees , ranging from extreme Theory X to extreme Theory Y. McGregor was unable to prove that one extreme was objectively better than another ( ie. more productive ) nor could he disprove that a middle of the road leadership style might not be better .
23 Does that mean that one day it will happen ?
24 A chance mention in a letter written in the 820s shows that one card in a Carolingian king 's hand was the existence of a " solemn custom " whereby any recipient of a benefice had to come to the palace in person and ritually " commend " himself to the king .
25 But it 's too simplistic to pretend that one way is better than the other because the comparison is n't between like and like .
26 But it is tempting to suspect that one reason for Mr Major 's reluctance to shake out his cabinet is that he can not think who to put there instead .
27 The commitment which the new proprietors are bringing to the enormous task of totally renovating and modernizing Low Birk Hatt is patently obvious For years they have denied themselves many of the luxuries they would otherwise have been easily able to afford because they both knew that one day they would need the capital to spend on the kind of home they both dreamed about .
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